Killer Wolves

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No One P.O.V.

A bank was being robbed.

"OK OK OK!" A man with a wolf mask on and green hair yelled. "I want all the money in this damn bank! If I don't get it, I will not stop my friend here-" he point to a girl with blonde hair and a shotgun. "-from killin' ALL y'all bitches."

Now, typically, the police would be at said bank at any moment. But, unfortunately for said people in the bank, the robbers thought ahead and, in the middle of the night, they cut all the camera's and video feed and call buttons.

Why were they thinking so much far ahead? Because if they didn't, it meant certain death by the leader of each and every operation. He is known as K. His right hand man, the man with green hair, is known as N. And the girl with blonde hair was his top bodyguard, known as Z.

N walked over to a man with a bright blue suit. The man was obviously shaking in fear, and N enjoyed it. Seeing him quivering in his presence. It made him feel powerful.

"N! We have no time for you to tease by-standers! May I remind you that K is in the getaway van?" N yelled.

This made N shiver. N had known K since they were kids. And he knows how he gets when he's angry. And it isn't entertaining when your on the receiving end.

-20 mins later-

"There! Done!" N yelled, wrapping up the last trash bag full of cash. In total they had about twenty, if not more.

"Took you long enough! We needed to be in and out ten minutes ago you god damn slow ass punk."

"Aye, Z! Don't be talkin' shit now! You know I can fry yo' ass up!" N yelled, smirking under his gray wolf mask.

Z just scoffed and walked away, causing N to smirk once more.

Once he had dragged the last trash bag out the bank vault. Z was still glaring at him through her white wolf mask, gun no where in sight.

N glanced at Z again, then slightly paled.

"Z...where is your shotgun?" N questioned.

Z reached for the gun, only for her hand to nothing. Next thing you know, Z had gotten shot in her shoulder blade. N quickly turned around, only to see a man, surrounded in blood from the previously alive people around him, had shot the gun.

N marched right up to the guy and snached the gun from him. He pointed the gun right at him and..

*Bang Bang*

N turned around, and instantly paled.

His boss, K, had his gun sticking up to the roof of the bank. His wolf mask was black edged in red. He already had about six guys carrying the bags away.

He walked over to Z, and slapped her straight in the face. She yelped in pain and slightly winced. After K walked away, one of K's six men were already dragging her back to the getaway van.

K walked over to N and slapped him upside the head.

"Dude! What was that for?!" N yelled.

"For not paying any god damn attention." K said, pointing to the man.

K grabbed the man and pulled down his shirt collar, revealing a Drago tattoo.

N's eyes widened. "Wow, brotha, what would I do without you?"

"You would have been dead without me." K replied, although it sounded as if he were smiling.

N crouched down to the man and grabbed his shirt.

"You tell your keep their men off our turf." N said menacingly before punching the guy, knocking him out cold.

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