Character Bio

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Name: Y/n Kagehara

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Title: Joker, Phantom Thief, Black Prince, Shadow Lord, Grand Exorcist and The Gamer.

Level: ???

MP: Infinity

HP: ???



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- It was Y/n main magic.
He copy it from his favorite story.
(A/n: with one I want to know?)

2) Power of King: King Order.
-Give Y/n a power to order anyone, they can't resist it even how strong there are.

3) Gate of Abyss
- Like 'Gate of Babylon' but only contain Demonic Weapon.

4) Gate of Eden
- Contain Holy Weapon

5) Diabolik Satanic.
- Summon Satanael the Demon Lord of Destruction.
Give Y/n an armour know as 'Diabolik Breaker'.

Give Y/n an armour know as 'Diabolik Breaker'

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(Diabolik Breaker: Lucifer Judgement)

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(Diabolik Breaker: Lucifer Judgement)

6) Seraphim Angela.
-Summon Angela the Seraphim of Creation.
Give Y/n an armour know as 'Seraphim Breaker'

Give Y/n an armour know as 'Seraphim Breaker'

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(Seraphim Breaker: Cross Exorcist)

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(Seraphim Breaker: Cross Exorcist)

7) Infinite Hell Blade.
-Like 'Unlimited Blade Works' Y/n will transport his opponent to other dimension.
Every blade there will absord the opponent magic that make them weak, it also will attack anyone who near them.

8) Unlimited Heaven Sword
- Like 'Infinite Hell Blade' it will bring
The sword/blade there will divine any attack and make Y/n attack more stronger.
More like divine gear.
Y/n can control them.

9) Hell Chain: Ifrit.
- A chain that can bind anything and will absord and burn a thing they bind.
The more they want to escape the more it will burn.

10) Heaven Chain: Celestial.
- A chain that also can bind anything.
It will purifity anything to natural.
It will bind more tight if they want to escape.

11) Destruction Magic

12) Creation Magic

13) Element Magic

14) Magic Creation
-Can create any kind of magic.

(A/n: Hello Everyone, this is Author.
I actually delete [Solo Ranking Up Hunter] because I out of idea.
So I make new story.
It my second DxD story.
Also don't worry I will continue the [Misfit of Kuoh Academy] but it will take a time to get an idea.
Also the other story is in progress.
Anyway, enjoy and...

The Supernatural Gamer [Highschool DxD x OP Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now