Chapter 3

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I woke with a gasp. You know when you wake up and can't remember where you are or even what year it is? That was not the case for me. I shot out of the bed. After we had stopped, the doors had opened and I had been pulled out of the car. I tried my hardest to push and scream to my escape, but I knew it was no use. It was dark and cold wherever we had been taken, and eventually I let them drag me inside a house and into my room. I feared what would happen to me if I continued to deny their requests.

I took a deep breath, looking around the room. It was nothing I imagined it might have been. The bed I lay on wasn't a simple dirty matress in the corner of the room. It was large and had fluffy pillows surrounding me. The walls were not torn or smashed, instead white and clean. The room only had one window in it, and it was so small not even my younger brother Cody could have fit through it. My mind was only set on one thing, and that was escaping.

Jumping up from the bed, I groaned when I noticed the huge red blotch in the silk sheets.

There were two doors.

With a slight struggle, I got out of the bed and realised someone had taken my shoes off, leaving me in socks. I couldn't see my boots anywhere around the room.

Slowly I walked towards the closest door and put my ear to it, trying to hear voices, footsteps or anything that would let me know if anyone was around this stupid house.

I could faintly hear a few things clattering, and it sounded as though someone was doing dishes. I lay both hands on the door, looking down and taking and taking another short breath. People say it's good to walk into the unknown, but I couldn't think of anything worse.

Hesitantly, I pulled it open, praying it wouldn't squeak.

When I was sure it was okay, I pulled it open fully and looked to my left then right. The hallway was long, but I could see the flight of stairs I remembered coming up.

"You're awake." Someone spoke next to me, and I jumped, turning into a manly chest. I didn't dare look up, but when he grabbed my arm, I cowered into myself.

"Please." I said desperately, but the man didn't say anything. When I looked up I found it to be one of the guys from last night. "I'm not going to tell anyone." I didn't know how many times I had spoken that phrase, but by now I was sick of hearing it come out of my mouth. There just wasn't anything else I could say.

"I know you won't tell anyone." He said, and I frowned.

"Then why can't you let me go?"

"How about we have something to eat and then maybe I can explain a few things?"

I wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face and run for my life, but I knew that the only way for me to survive was to pretend. Maybe if I pretended I didn't mind eating their food or listening to anything they had to say, I could find a way out the easy way. It wasn't like I was chained and being deprived.

I nodded slowly, looking up at him through my lashes. "Okay."

His eyebrows furrowed as he studied me before he walked past me and into the direction of the stairs. His arm brushed mine and I flinched, before following behind him. I took a good look at my surroundings. I needed to get familiar with this place.

He went down the stairs two steps at a time, and I followed far behind him. We walked past the front door and he turned to look at me quickly, warning clear in his dark green eyes. I kept following him.

"So, I can make you eggs or something or you can just have cereal." He stated, looking through his cupboards. I stood to the side, twisting my hands together.

"Um, cereal is fine." I said quietly, unsure how I should address him.

"Fruit loops or coco pops? Sorry, my friends have bad eating habits." He laughed lightly, and I stared straight ahead.

"Whatever you have." It's not like I would really be eating it anyway. "I need to use your bathroom." I added, knowing while he was busy making breakfast I would have my chance.

He took the coco pops down from the cupboard, placing them on the counter before facing me suspicously.

"I'll come with you." He said, and I knew I couldn't panic. It had to look like I really just wanted to go to the toilet. I needed something better, and as much as I didn't want to embarass myself, I knew I had to use my period as my escape.

"Okay, do you have, you know, pads or tampons or something." I mumbled, looking down at my socks. God, that was more embarassing then I thought it would be.

What I was telling him seemed to finally register in his mind and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh! Uh, um, yeah I'll go ask Stacey. Um, straight down the hallway and it's the last door on the left." I nodded quickly, a light blush on my face. "Don't try anything funny. I'll be down in a minute." I nodded again and he hesitated before briskly walking out. I breathed out and fled to the front door, shuting it very quietly behind me. As I turned to look at the scenery around me, I gasped. Tall trees surrounded the house, a gravel road leading into the forest. I knew this escape would be difficult, but it just kept getting worse. I didn't want to waste time. I sprinted into the trees.

As I ran, I thought about my family. My parents probably wouldn't be too worried yet, it had only been a night and it wasn't uncommon for me to go out and not come home. I finally understood why it's so important to tell your parents where you're going. Sometimes it's not just for their sake, but for your own. When i heard a branch break behind me, I grunted, running harder, but it made it hard to see where I was going with tears in my eyes. I felt myself falling foward, and before I knew it I was rolling. I felt sticks and rocks prod me in different places and when I finally stopped, I lau flat on the ground, breathing heavily. I heard more footsteps from behind me. A bush was next to me, and I dived into it just as I heard them.

"Where'd she go?"

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