Chapter 39

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"Everybody has fifteen minutes!" I shouted, pacing back and forth around the pack training house, picking up different weapons, deciding which one was a best fit for me. 

"Man, calm down." Stefan said from behind me, a huge grin on his face. He was always smiling.

"Why are you always so happy?" I scowled and he shrugged lazily.

"Must be a gay thing." I couldn't help but laugh, he just brought such a positive spirit to anything and everything, even something like this. I shoved him and we both chuckled lightly.

"It's gonna be okay, you know?"

"I hope so." I said, as my farther made a motion for me to go over to him. I excused myself.

"What?" I asked and my dad put both his hands on my shoulders.

"Three groups have already left, we need to move now if we want to get to tyler before he suspects anything."

I frowned but nodded nonetheless, summoning everyone. I didn't have to say anything, or do anything, everybody knew. They knew we had to do anything to protect the Luna of this pack, even if it was the last thing any of us did.

Everything happened fast. We all got into cars and drove to deserted land only a few miles from the boundary between our pack and Tyler's pack. I tried to stay focused, I tried to clear my mind from anything to do with Cora. I am strong, but not strong enough for that. 

We all got out of the cars, soundless warriors, and a few people at a time, men were sent across the border. They were tough and they acted brave but beneath their exterior I could see the panic and the unknowing. I tried to feel bad, but the fact was that I would sacrafice all these men for one girl, and I couldn't be sorry for how much I loved her. 

When a hand was placed on my shoulder, I jumped and they chuckled.

"So I guess the big bad Alpha does get scared."

I chuckled and turned around,"I guess so."

"Your mother told me to tell you she loves you." 

I nodded and clenched my fists, begging myself not to something stupid like cry. There was nothing to cry about because I was going to go in there, I was going to kill Tyler and I was going to go home; to Cora.

"Do you remember when we were little and we used to tell eachother that we would grow up to get married?"

I nodded.

"Then remember when Cora came to live with you guys and I got angry at you because you stopped playing with me so you could play with her?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry for that." She laughed and I laughed too, until she started to cry. That was the reality of all this, it could be the end to not only me and Cora, but to friendships and to the pack. 

"Be safe, okay? I'll look after Cora, I promise."

"Will you give her this for me, if I don't come back?" My voice cracked and her hand flew to her heart, a small gasp escaping her mouth. No one had ever seen "the big bad Alpha" cry. Not even Stacey.

I took the small ring out of my pocket and the crumpled up peice of paper, placing it in her hand and closing her fist over it. I kept my hand there a little longer and watched as the tears fell from her eyes.

"You're doing the right with, Col."

"No, I know that."

"You just wish it had of been easier."

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