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[Pt. 2. 1082 words]

"You're home quite early for once." The more than familiar voice of Barnum's wife rang through his ears as he entered his shared house with her. It came from up the stairs that ran up to the second and third floor in the room ahead of where he stood. "I know, but I wanted to talk to you about something, Charity." His voice soft, P. T. hung his hat and coat up on the rack beside the door. They hardly talked anymore ever since he filed those papers. Even for him, it was a little sad since he'd known her since his childhood.

Curiously, Charity peeked her head down the staircase. "If it's about your boyfriend, I don't want to hear it." Barnum sighed. She already knew exactly what he was referring to. He really wasn't as unpredictable as he thought he was. "He's not- He's not my boyfriend. You know th-" "Do I, Phineas? Because it really seems like it."

Another sigh escaped the showman's lips. The house was usually silent other than when they were talking. Or fighting, which seemed to be a lot more common lately. But he'd rather the silence over this same old argument. "Charity, please just let me finish." Quiet settled between the both of them as Barnum slowly ascended up the staircase, his fingers running along the railing. "I know we just filed for a divorce and everything, but I'm starting to realize that was a mistake. I miss you darling." Taking one of Charity's delicate hands into both of his, his eyes went soft, while hers grew even more curious and slightly confused.

"I miss having dinner together, dancing up on the rooftop, even just talking to you doesn't feel the same anymore. And I wanted to clarify with you that I'm truly not involved with Phillip." Charity's head tilted down towards their feet, her blonde hair falling into her eyes. P. T. had no idea what she was thinking about and it almost terrified him, not knowing what she was going to say or do next. He swallowed a lump caught in his throat. "What about all the times you've stayed late with him at the circus? As far as I've gathered you'd technically push everybody out the door when he stayed behind with you. And- And how you-"

"Charity," Phineas hooked a finger under the woman's chin babbling in front of him and tilted it up, meeting her brown, watery eyes with his own. "I wouldn't be saying this if I was, wouldn't you think?" A small smile spread across Barnum's cheeks, squeezing Charity's hand within his own. "I promise you, we're just really busy with the show sometimes, okay?" All Charity could do was nod, tears visibly threatening to fall. "I love you and only you."

It'd felt like forever since the last time P. T. had seen Charity smile at him, so when her lips finally curled up he couldn't help but do the same. "I suppose you've outdone yourself again, Barnum..." Her tone of voice was a little shaky, but it sounded sincere enough. Charity always forgave way too easily. "I... love you too. If you really mean it, tomorrow I can go cancel the paper signing..?" The showman giggled softly, he sounded happy. "I think that'll work tremendously, Mrs. Barnum." His hand lifted hers up to his mouth as his lips met the back of Charity's. She let off a giggle and did the same, only on his cheek instead. The same place Phillip had left his earlier. It made his grin fade only slightly.

"Though there is one more thing I'd like to ask..." P. T. continued, and the blonde looked up to him curiously, eyes telling him to keep going. "May I have a dance?" He purred, gesturing in the direction of the staircase that lead up to the roof. Despite her not answering yet, he begun pulling her that way. "I don't see a problem with tha-" Halfway through her sentence Barnum picked her up and carried her up the stairs. She squealed and laughed, and in return, the only thing Barnum did was beam. It was an almost frighteningly large smile.

He set Charity back down at the top of the stairs. The starlit sky illuminated the space around them, sheets hung from clotheslines strung between buildings and there was nobody in sight. Not in the streets below, not on the rooftops across from them, no one. "It's perfect out here tonight.." Barnum stated with a smile, running his fingers through Charity's long hair. "But you know what would make it even better?" The man chirped, rushing back downstairs without giving her a chance to reply. He seemed quite eager that night.

A few minutes had passed before he came back upstairs, he had something small clutched in his hands. Barnum hurried past his wife and before she knew it, he'd stepped away from a small table where sat a small lamp that the ringmaster had made for her a couple years back. He spun the top and little stars danced along the sheets among them. "Mr. Barnum really is chalk full of great ideas, huh?" Charity chimed into his little giggle-fest with himself as he took her hand once again and spun her around him. "How does that song go again?" P. T. hummed out the tune of Charity's favourite song. The one that he used to sing to her all the time.

"Every night I lie in bed.."

Charity sang, knowing every lyric by heart at this point. Barnum smiled since she knew what he was referring to. He spun her around and dipped her, even leaned her over the edge of the building a few times. They did that all the time when they used to prance around up here, Charity always trusted him never to drop her.

"The brightest colours fill my head..."

P. T. sang to her, waltzing along the edge of the platform they stood upon. One last time he dipped her over the side.

"A million drea-"

Barnum let go. He could feel the adrenaline rush through his body as he watched the fear erupt into Charity's eyes. Her hands searched frantically for something to grab onto but her short attempt failed, a sickening thud rang through the showman's ears and then silence.


Barnum picked up the little lamp beside him and examined it, blowing out the candle inside as he strode off the rooftop.

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