intro 🤠

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hey y'all welcome to my new book! 🥳

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hey y'all welcome to my new book! 🥳

not gonna lie when i first added the order to my list on netflix it was just like "yeah, maybe i'll watch it... someday"...

when i tell you i finished the show in 3 days like the show is so GOOD WHAT THE CRAPP

like hamish - ugh beautiful, beautiful!!

and randall?- chefs kiss 😚
randall is soo adorable and goofy and i just love him 🥰

anyways, welcome 😊

requests are open!

i will be doing mostly the boys, but any character you request i shall write for.

although i'm not sure about alyssa...

lmao alyssa really- i liked her in season one but in season two she kinda got on my nerves... 😬

but if you request her i will write for her fear not!

i actually don't get requests very often, so if you want to request something, REQUEST IT PLEASEEEE!!!! ❤️

HOWEVER, keep in mind:

i will not be inserting your name for the imagine that you request or any physical traits of yours because that would be contradicting the fact that this is a 'x reader' book! i will always, always use 'y/n'.

anyways, it'll force me to write and that is what i need like y'all need to keep me in check hahaha 🤪

bc sometimes i just like disappear... 😗🧐👻🤠

anyway, i don't like capital letters so a majority- if not all my work is in lowercase.

also sorry for the overload of emojis i've realized i don't use them that often and there's such a wide variety to choose from so im trying to use 'em more, although i won't be using them in the imagines worry not! 😂

also there's like little to no books about the order like wth?!

also if you see any incorrectly spelled words feel free to comment on it just don't be a dick about it, and we'll be good 👍

i think that's all i have to say...

if there's more i'll update this part ☺️

(i just re read this & i started with 'also' 3 times in a row hahah)


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