one. alpha (h.d.)

119 2 2

• hamish duke x reader

warning(s) ⚠️:  none? somewhat angst (not really), death, mentions of blood

pairings: vera x niece!reader, hamish duke x reader

summary: y/n is vera stones niece who had been inducted into the hermetic order of the blue rose 4 years ago (senior in college) however when reviewing books in the reliquary/vault for an assignment she stumbles upon a certain fur coat, the hide of alpha.

wc (word count): 2.2k

a/n: y'all this is taking so long to write ✍️ , also how tf do you download a gif from google? 🤨like i download it but it doesn't move it's like a pic, when on google it was a gif adifnrvgduje 😤 but also this is the most i've written in a while so i'm excited to ✍️ more but like i'm such a slow writer and i over complicate like the plot and everything so yeahhhh 😅 OHHH ALSO: lmk what pov you prefer i struggled for like a day straight trying to pick which pov to ✍️ this in! 🙃

a/n: y'all this is taking so long to write ✍️ , also how tf do you download a gif from google? 🤨like i download it but it doesn't move it's like a pic, when on google it was a gif adifnrvgduje 😤 but also this is the most i've written in a while ...

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gc (gif credit): unknown/google


y/n had barely set foot into the temple before alyssa almost tackled her to the floor. "geez, medicum, watch where you're going."

"magistratus! you're just the person i was looking for! im so sorry for bumping into you but uh, " the blonde gestures behind her with a hand, "the temple magus would like to see you..." she says, before plastering an awkward smile and walking off.

"and i thought today couldn't get any worse..." y/n mumbled.

y/n walked down the corridor before stopping at the large doors which the temple magus who just so happened to be her aunt, sat behind.

the doors opened before her, and she was met with her aunt and a large older man. "temple magus." y/n said nodding her head, glancing at the man that was stood beside her aunt in confusion.

"magistratus, welc-" vera was interrupted by the older man beside her.

"vera quit with the formalities, she's your niece!" he chuckled.

"edward coventry, the grand magus." edward extended his hand out for y/n to shake. she embraced his hand with hers giving a firm shake.

"your aunt has told me a lot about you y/n,"

"all good things, i assume." y/n responded.

"yes, of course, you could say im intrigued... meet me in the temple tomorrow afternoon. I have an interesting assignment for you."


the door clattered open as alyssa made her way into the temple where y/n and a few other magistratus' stood.

the others glanced in shock, "what is a medicum doing here?" selena questioned as she snickered at kyle as alyssa walked past the group.

"she's here like the rest of us, the magus wouldn't have allowed her to be here if she hadn't proven herself." y/n said in an attempt to get selena to shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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