late Christmas special 😛

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Dejuanes POV:

I slid from under Jae'Lynn as she was softly sleeping, she looked beautiful while sleeping

30 min later
I checked the time and it was 6:00
I finished rapping the last present for Jae'Lynn. When I got done I walked upstairs and tapped her to wake up "wake up baby" "its Christmas......go get your presents I have for you" she then got up and walked downstairs as i followed

Jae'Lynn POV:
I walked downstairs and seen a bunch of gifts, I then tured around to dejuane and jumped on him "thank you dej-" he slapped my ass "I mean thank you daddy" 

20min later....

Dejuane wanted me to do a tiktok with him so it would seem like I'm not kidnapped as we got done making the tiktok I walked up to my phone he then walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist "I got one last birthday gift for you" he said with a smirk on his face.........


Next chapter will be a smut😌

kidnapped and hostage Where stories live. Discover now