chapter five

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Chapter five - the smallest man who ever lived


"Who are you?" The voice repeats itself, forcing me to turn and face the source.

My eyes lock onto a younger girl, looking as if she were only 19 years old. Her blue bob catches my eye, but the red rock that is ingrained into her forehead manages to snatch most of my attention.

She's a freak too.

"Who am I?" I raise a brow. "Who are you?"

Her eyes darken, the stone in her head beginning to glow a faint red. "Don't make me hurt you."

"Woah." I raise up my hands, beginning to slip my ring off. "I'm just a friendly passerby. Call it a trip up memory lane, if you will."

She steps closer, her eyes turning the same red.

"Okay!" I snap. "I'm looking for Dick Grayson? Is he here?"

That doesn't help either.

Her eyes remain locked onto mine as some sort of black floating goop leaves her fingertips. I'm unsure whether to look disgusted or impressed at the scene in front of me, but something tells me I should be worrying about my circumstance rather than her goop.

"So you're not gonna let me explain myself?" I ask, stepping back slowly.

She growls and steps closer, her black goop snapping as it morphs into different shapes, making its way towards me.

"Okay then." I mutter, flicking off my ring.

Once it hits the floor, I raise my hands into fists, electricity coursing through my body. The glow of my eyes reflects in her own, the power from the electricity emitting a yellow glow around my fists.

My hair rises, static from the amount of charge going through my body right now. Although, the severe pain in my arms return, the sheer force of my powers alone reopening a wound I forgot I had.

The girl glares at me, about to attack when I quickly hold out my hand, electrocuting her. She lets out a pained cry from the initial attack, but within a second, she looks as if I'm merely tickling her.

And then she smiles at me.

"Fuck." I manage to get out before something hard hits my ribs, knocking all the wind from me.

The black goop swings, sending me flying into the nearest wall. I land hard on the ground with a thud, groaning in pain as I land on my fried arm. Pain shoots up my spine due to the force of which I had been thrown at.

I attempt to sit up, but my vision is cloudy due to how hard I hit my head. I move my hand to my nose, feeling blood gushing from it.

"Rachel?" A voice calls out, although this time it sounds oddly familiar.

Yeah, I must be hallucinating, there is no way Dick Grayson is speaking to that girl who just tried to fucking kill me.

I sit up slowly, but reality slaps me in the face hard when Dick crouches beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh for fucks sake." I grumble, wiping my nose.

He scans me from head to toe before grabbing my hand and making me pinch the bridge of my nose to attempt to control the rate of the bleeding.

"Hey, can you hear me?" He clicks his fingers in my face, moving them from side to side, trying to assess if I'm concussed or not.

I swat his hands away, still gasping for air.. "Yes, get your fingers out of my face."

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