- the first time he would see you he would be amazed by you
- And the second time you met he is hooked
- He just had to have you
- But he didn't know how to approach you he wasn't good with social interactions and shigaraki knew that
- So he followed you around
- Everywhere
- The coffee shop, your workplace, your house, the mall.... you name it
- He would try to collect as much about you as possible
- He would try to stay on the background and honestly he is pretty good at that
- He would really want to talk to you but he was scared you would think he's ugly (wich apparently people do I think he's hot as hell)
- If your a hero oh boy that would be in his mind all the time
- He despises heroes but you were so amazing he couldn't believe it
- Whatever agency your working with he definitely sends someone to "collect information" but the only reason he does that is to get some pictures and more information about you
- He also would send you lower ranked league member for you to deal with because he didn't wanted to hurt you
- Even if your a civilian if anyone would dare to threaten you or such he would kill them on the spot
- I think over time his obsession would grow
- He already has yandere tendencies so if one day he had enough from just watching he would kidnap you (but I'm gonna make another hc on his yandere type and such)
- He would at one point snuck into your house and place cameras there just to see you a bit more often
- Would probably listen to your voicemail to here your voice
- I don't think he's the Typ of stalker to write letters or such to you
- He wouldn't know what to write or even how to write a proper letter
- But he's definitely the type to steal clothes or such from you
- He's a creep and gets off on it
This was a request that I literally got this morning from @ScumOfTheEarth101 (I hope that's the right user) Hope you like it!
Also I'm sorry for me being away but we've got a pandemic and I kinda had no motivation also I started cosplaying (if you want to see my tiktok and insta is @ tokossharpscissors)
But I'm back b*tches
Let's see how long it takes for me to lose my motivation again!! 😃
If u like it pls vote and comment pls and thank u

FanficIam a simp for shigaraki so have these headcanons/scenarios !Requests are open! Hope you enjoy Ps: I kinda suck at scenarios so have more Scenario-headcanons (still gonna write scenarios tho)