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It was two weeks into the start of the new school year in Korea. Hyojin Yun had finally arrived back to Korea from her trip to Japan, which oddly was about a few weeks longer than she intended, and was about to begin attending school again at Saebom High School—the closest school in her neighbor.

Though during her time, she had received a few messages from Seojun and other friends—though nothing from Suho in the past few weeks she was gone, oddly enough. It was as if she was cut off from his life and he had disappeared with no trace of him existing. His KakaoTalk was deactivated, along with his private Instagram—causing her to feel sadness of not being able to contact someone who she had considered close to her.

"Hyojin, hurry up! You'll be late." Her grandmother shouted from the living room causing Hyojin to snap out of her thoughts. She quickly grabbed ahold of her backpack and headed towards the living room, giving a quick peck on the cheek to both her grandparents and bidding them a goodbye as she slipped out the front door.

Though as soon as she made a foot out the door—she was met with the sight of Han Seojun waiting infront of her house. Hyojin wore a smile as she walked up to him, her backpack swinging side to side. She was way shorter than Seojun was and had a hard time trying to look at him as it caused her neck to ache at times.

"What are you doing here? You could have just met me at school, you know." Hyojin said, raising her eyebrows up as she scanned his uniform.

"I know, but I got excited since it's been a long time since I've seen you. Come on, let's go." He said, throwing his helmet to her, in which she instantly caught it.

"We're going on your motorcycle to school? I thought you told your mom you weren't riding it anymore." Hyojin said as she placed the large helmet over her head and followed him to the bike.

"Yeah but it's not like she'd know." Seojun responded. Though Hyojin couldn't see his face she can sense the smirk playing on his lips. The engine started up and she automatically held onto Seojun as the bike dashed through the roads towards the High School.

As the two arrived to the school, Hyojin couldn't help but to feel the stares of other students. Though they couldn't see the girl underneath the helmet—she could tell upon the whispers of the students that they were curious of who she was to be coming to school with Han Seojun. She felt the hands of someone pull off the helmet and looked up to who it was, being Seojun.

"Stop spacing out. No one is going to make a big deal about your return and if they do just tell me—I'll deal with them." Seojun said, sensing her uncomfortableness upon being back at school.

Though he was trying to reassure Hyojin, as her face was revealed to the other students—she could hear the whispers clearer than before. Almost as if people were shocked upon her return to the school—since she practically disappeared from others aside from her friends since her brother's passing.

Hyojin just nodded her head as she bite down on her bottom lip, fixing her hair frantically before quickly walking off to the office, not bothering to give Seojun a proper goodbye as she just wanted the attention that was placed on her to go away. As she made her way towards the teachers office—there was many people almost exaggerating her comeback, though she tried her best to ignore it by walking even faster.

Eventually making her way to the teachers office—she was greeted by the teachers of her class, 2-5. Soon enough the bell rang and she was following Han Joon-Woo, the home room adviser for class 2-5.   She held her head down as she avoid stares from other students who were in classrooms they had passed by. As they made their way to the classroom, Hyojin stopped by the door—she took a deep breath before stepping foot into the room.

"Now, now everyone listen up! Today we have a returning student joining us. Go ahead and introduce yourself." Joon-Woo said.

Hyojin finally lifting her head up to look at her peers of students, amongst them were many familiar faces of people she had attended middle school with. Though her eyes automatically landed onto a face—she had wished she didn't see. Quickly averting her eyes from him—she looked towards the center of the classroom as she bowed her head. "Hello! I'm Hyojin Yun, it's nice to see you all again." She introduced herself, a false smile upon her lips.

"Let's see where there's an empty seat for you. Ah! Jugyeong, please raise your hand." The teacher said, as a pretty brunette raised her hands shyly. "You may take the seat on the right of her." He told her, in which Hyojin nodded in response as she stepped down from the podium and towards the seat by the girl named Jugyeong.

Jugyeong's eyes were focused on Hyojin as the Yun girl placed her backpack behind her chair and fixed herself to sit properly in her seat. Feeling Jugyeong's eyes on her, Hyojin glanced over at the girl. "What...?" She questioned quietly—feeling a bit uncomfortable under the stare.  Jugyeong quickly averted her eyes from Hyojin causing her to frown in confusion, shrugging off the entire weird interaction to focus on the class.

As soon as the lesson was done—Hyojin heard the chair next to her shuffle as Jugyeong was infront of her along with Soojin and Sua. "Hyojin~I've missed you!!" Sua said, practically squeezing the girl into a hug in. Hyojin gently pat down on her close friend as she stared up at Soojin who was smiling down at her.

"It's nice to see you again, Hyojin." Soojin said, rubbing Hyojin's arm as soon as Sua let go of the fragile girl.

"Ah! That's right, this is Jugyeong Lim. She transferred from a different school." Soojin introduce the pretty girl who happened to be her seat mate. She was extremely gorgeous, though it was clear she was wearing makeup—it's not like it was an uncommon thing, after all, many people wore makeup to define their features.

"Hyojin Yun. You're really pretty." She introduce herself, holding her hand out for Jugyeong to shake in which the gorgeous girl responded to.

"Uh, Thank you. Seojun has mentioned you a lot, but I didn't think I'd actually get to meet you." Jugyeong said.

The false smile on Hyojin's lips fell upon not hearing Suho's name in the mention. She averted her eyes from Jugyeong and looked towards Soojin who was smiling down at her friend.

"Oh! We have a study group tonight. Do you want to join us? I can help you catch up on what you missed." Soojin asked, in which Hyojin eagerly nodded her head in agreement.

"Of course. I'll need a lot of help." She pouted, math and science was never one of her strongest subjects and she tend to do well on assignments but when it came to test, she miserably failed at them.

"The study group has me, Sua, Soojin, Taehoon, and Suho." Jugyeong informed Hyojin, the name of Suho caused her to look at Jugyeong again before glancing at the seat in the corner where the male that was mention was sitting.

Hyojin bit her bottoms lip as she studied Suho before looking away. The girls before her were chatting away as Hyojin was dragged into thoughts.
Should I confront him about it at the study group...? She questioned herself.

———— SAY YOU LOVE ME ————


Hello loves <33 it's lani coming back with a new fanfic. I've been working on this True Beauty fanfic for a while—so I really hope you all enjoy it! I'll try to update once I have the time to do so.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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