Episode 1 - Realizing What They've Gotten Into

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Triangle looked out into the endless abandoned city around him.

It had been quite a long time since he had ever seen the outside. Perhaps a bit too long, even. Though that was probably for a good reason. It had been decades since the last time it was safe to go outside, and even now, even though barely anything moves in this desolate wasteland, unseen dangers still lurk in almost every possible nook and cranny. The apocalypse had claimed many lives, but not all of them. Those that survived the immediate cleansing through nuclear fire had to then face even greater threats, as the remnants of Earth's inhabitants began fighting desperately to continue on living in this miserable world. The desperate struggle for man to survive runs so deeply within the order of the world, that not even its literal end could prevent it. But Triangle was no man, of course. He was a living object, a being free from the pain of attempting to survive in this irradiated land. He was able to seek refuge from disaster, and managed to get past the worst of the post-apocalypse being safe in a bunker out in some extremely remote area of the world. And yet, he felt like he had suffered just as much as, and even more so, than the human inhabitants of Earth. Although he hadn't lost his life either through radiation or by being stabbed in the back, he felt like he lost something just as great: his soul, perhaps. He felt as if he had- no, he *did* play a role in the creation of the apocalypse. His orders, no matter how good their intent was, became major factors in driving the world into perpetual chaos, chaos which he could never recover from.

Triangle sighed as he continued looking out, thinking of the terrible world that awaited him beyond the horizon. He looked at the destroyed buildings and littered roads, which now merely stood as monuments as to what was once here. People had called this place by several names before the Event, with one in particular, London, being used by many. That didn't matter now, however. All there was here was just lost hope and shattered dreams. It didn't care whatsoever what people called it. It didn't matter where it was, or what they were before. In the end, in the eyes of ever-brutal judgment, in the eyes of an unfeeling and uncaring company, they were all one and the same anyway: they were small, insignificant things that they cared little for if they were crushed, like blades of grass being cut by someone mowing their lawn. Triangle and the company he used to wield with pride had always been aware of the casualties that their bold maneuvers they've pulled, but they had never seen the true scale of it all until now. They had always distanced themselves from the misery they were causing, waging eternal and pointless wars halfway around the world, distracting themselves with bread and circuses. Now was the first time in a long while that GD Inc had truly seen the devastation it had caused, right when it too was destroyed by their own nature. In its desperate struggle to achieve victory, it ended up making everything miserable for everyone, themselves included. There were no winners in the bloodiest game the world had ever played.

A mildly stronger gust of wind would suddenly blow onto Triangles back, finally throwing off from his brief moment of woe. He turned around and saw his friend, GD. Although perhaps 'friend' wasn't the best way to put it. They were associates, sure. They helped each other in times of crisis, but neither really felt like they knew each other all too much. They only met a few times each year before the Event, so that was only fair. But even after decades of being stuck together in a cramped little domicile carved into a mountain, they still felt like foreigners to each other, still not fully grasping who the other really was. Who could blame them? One was a vague and mysterious man with unknown origins, and the other was a mass murderer that was a living polygon. They were vastly different people, and any rational person would think that they'd get along. But there they were, being acquaintances. GD walked over to him and sat down next to him, taking in the perpetually cold breeze, admiring the devastated lands. "Are you contemplating something again?" GD asked. Triangle nodded. "Yeah." He replied. "It's been quite awhile since I've had this much time to myself. I've always spent my time managing my company, never taking a moment to breathe, and now..." He took a deep breath. "I can truly sit back and see what terrible things I've done to the world." GD nodded, and would look at the devastated city again. "...You did mess up, yeah." He remarked. "I know you probably gave the orders to nuke the world while you weren't thinking clearly, but still. Low blow, man." He'd then nudge him.

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