Episode 34 - Ripping Everything to Uncountable Shreds

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Of course, one can never be too inquisitive.

Despite having said that that was the last thing that they were going to do, GD decided to do just a tiny bit more looking around the place to see if they missed anything. Of course, this also came with the risk that they might get caught, but perhaps that was the plan all along. They decided to check out some of the other hotel rooms, just to make sure that they weren't hiding anything there. Once they managed to check several dozen or so of the similarly-empty rooms, they decided to go outside and check the rest of Dream Island. They had a good square mile or so to cover, and now was probably the best time to do so. Besides looking for something to use in the inevitable conflict, it'd also be nice to familiarize themselves with the island they were supposed to win, had the competition gone smoothly.

GD and Triangle remained at the back of the group, not wanting to make things awkward by leading the way. Although they *were* the ones tasked with getting them out of this terrible island, they were reluctant to keep putting themselves in the spotlight, especially after all that had happened. Teardrop was in the middle, glancing behind her more than in front, while Pin and the others would talk about everything that's happened to them while leading everyone else. GD remained mostly silent, as he has been for quite a while now. Teardrop and Triangle would occasionally glance at him, giving him concerned looks. After an uncomfortably long period of this exchange, Triangle would finally speak up. "...GD?" He asked. GD wouldn't seem to respond, however. Triangle frowned and turned to him again. "...GD?" He spoke again. GD turned to him. "Hm?" He raised an eyebrow. "You've been awfully silent." Triangle remarked. "...What?" GD replied. "Like I haven't been before?" "No, it's just..." Triangle sighed. "Just..." He fell silent for a moment or so. "...Aren't you at the very least curious as to what's going on?" "Why should I?" GD asked. "It's not like there's anything different from last time. It's all the same old charade, just made slightly different." Triangle raised an eyebrow again. "But..." "Shh." GD hushed him. "Besides, I think it's nice that others are taking charge. They seem to know what they're doing." Triangle was stunned. "What?" He asked. "And you *don't*?" GD then went silent once again, refusing to answer that question.

They checked a few of the other buildings for another hour or so, and there didn't seem to be anything unusual going on with them. In fact, it was as if they had been completely untouched. It seemed like the only building that mattered to... whoever was at work here, was the hotel building. It was certainly something interesting to think about, but doing that would just be needlessly delaying the inevitable. Pencil turned to Triangle, not really having the courage or strength to look at GD, even slightly. "Alright. We can go." She said. "Are you sure about that?" GD asked. "I mean, I don't think-" "Of course I'm sure." Pencil interrupted. "Why wouldn't I be? I want to see my friends again as soon as possible." "Yeah!" Leafy joined in, anxious. "Who knows what could have happened to them? They might be hurt, or maybe even worse!" Pin then turned to them as well. "Yeah, they're right." She nodded. "I know that you guys hate going back there, but we *have* to check in on the others." She sighed. "If you guys don't want to stay there, then you can just drop us off and go do whatever you want to do. You'll know where to find us." Triangle and GD turned to look at each other, seemingly having a conversation in silence. Whatever that means. GD then turned to the others and sighed. "Alright, we'll drop you off." Triangle nodded in agreement. "Okay, everyone. Gather around..." The group would form a circle, and in an instant, they'd disappear.


The remains of the living quarters were illuminated by yet another flash of light.

The group would appear right in the middle of the ruins, where the back lawn was. It took them a moment or so to recover from the strange effects of suddenly being transported through time and space, as well as... some other side-effects. They felt a sudden heavy weight suddenly drop into them as the light faded away, revealing the destroyed living quarters. They spent about a minute or so looking around as they recovered, obviously not wanting to believe that *this* was the living quarters. But all signs seemed to point towards it. The destroyed remains of furniture and other items definitely indicated it. Nonetheless, the group was still in belief. "No..." Leafy frowned. "T-This can't be, right?" She turned to Triangle. "This is just a mistake, right? This isn't the place!" Triangle frowned. "Uh..." He scratched his head. "...I don't know what to tell you. This *is* where the living quarters are." He turned to GD. "Isn't that right?" He asked. Once again, however, GD wouldn't say anything. He'd simply remain still as he looked around the place. Of course, he didn't betray any sort of emotion as his head spun around. But Triangle was no fool. He'd known him for the better part of his life, and he knew that, in his heart, he was well and truly devastated.

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