Kori Freezer and Rubi Fire Bio's

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Kori Freezer is a Supporting Character in this series, a reformed Squark Member and daughter to an Articuno Family.

She is also one of the characters that can Mega Evolve.

Kori resembles a young looking girl with blue hair and red eyes. she wears a short Kimono dress with wing like sleeves and a Dark blue Obi. she also wears white heel boots. She also carries a paper fan with her.

in her Galar Form, She is now purple skinned, Purple haired and blue eyes that are covered by her mask

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in her Galar Form, She is now purple skinned, Purple haired and blue eyes that are covered by her mask. She now wears a traditional purple and dark purple Gala dress with sparkling vales on her dress. the dress also has a blue diamond at the front middle of the dress.

 the dress also has a blue diamond at the front middle of the dress

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in her Mega Form, She now has blue skin and blue and white hair. she wears a full kimono with icicles tastles on the sleeves. she also has blue heels, a white fluff neck scarf and a crown headset.

 she also has blue heels, a white fluff neck scarf and a crown headset

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Her Mega Accessory is a pair of Mega Glasses with Articunite in it.

Her Mega Accessory is a pair of Mega Glasses with Articunite in it

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