Chapter 19: Beastman Virus

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Kyle and Michiru were on the Squarks fire boat with Aka and Marie so Aka can see Anima city in the night. they all arrived on land and Aka gets off the boat, so did Kyle and Michiru. Maire just stayed on the boat.

Kyle: wow, the city looks beautiful at night, like the first time we met.

Aka: yeah, I always wanted to do this when I was young, but then that whole Beastman rule came along!

Michiru: your beastman related.

Aka: give me a break.

then someone shot a bullet at the boat, that missed Michiru and Kyle, being that they are beastmen. they turn around, being faced by Beastman Hunters.

Beastman Hunter 1: well well, some people are still beastmen lovers huh?

Kyle: can't ABS give me a break?

then they realised Kyle's voice.

Beastman hunter 2: wait wait wait, Kyle Kagemori? your a beastman now? hehe, this will be fn, killing the President of BAS.

Aka: well maybe some of us have a dumb deathwish, bastard!

Beastman Hunter 1: you beastman loving types make me sick! you should die like them!

they walk away, laughing, making Aka angry. Kyle then grabbed her arm.

Kyle: well it's getting dark, maybe we should get going?

Aka: oh no, this is just the start!

Kyle looked at Aka, who was holding a rock.

Kyle: Aka, what are you doing with that?

Aka: this.

She throws it at the leader, making him turn around and getting pissed off on her.

Aka: I always wanted to fight Beastman Hunters!

the Beastman hunters charged at her, but Aka knocked some of them out. some of them were going after Kyle and Michiru, because of there forms.

the ones with guns started shooting at Michiru, but the bullets were blocked by steel. it was revealed that Kyle has gone into his steel type.

he now had a steel tail and his dark brown parts changed into silver. here's the steel type theme:

Beastman hunter 3: what the?

Beastman Hunter 4: no beastman ever did that!

Aka then punched one of then in the face and hugged the others neck.

Aka: well the times changed, right?

she then knocks him out.

the leader saw everyone knocked out.

Beastman hunter 1: retweet!

all but one ran away, because of Aka.

Kyle: wait, where is the 5th one?

then someone jumped onto him and was pointing a blade to his face.

Beastman Hunter 5: now it's time to end you! then your sister is next!

but just before she was about to stab him, something shot at her, knocking her out. Kyle saw that something shot a needle that ejected something blue into her. Kyle then saw she turned into a Neko Beastman.

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