Rocky Dangerbuff

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Uv:Cole I still don't get it.

Cole:Get what?

Uv:Rocky Dangerbuff.

Cole:You don't remember?


Cole:Me singing.

(Uv has a blank look on face)

Cole:At laughies the Kareoke place.

Uv:Oh your terrible singing don't remind me.

Cole:Do you get it now?


Cole:(sings) Shine little glow worm glimmer glimmer, glow little glow worm dimmer dimmer.

(Uv covers ears)


Cole:Revenge, he he.

Cole Dad:What was that sound? If my ears weren't attached to my head they'd be running away.


Uv:(points to Cole) He did it.

(Uv runs away)

Cole:I will Kill you!!!!

(Runs after Uv)

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