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Cole:I thought you were in jail.

Uv:Who told you that?

Cole:Me and my friends put you there!!!


Cole:How did you get out?

Uv:It was an elaborate escape, guards chasing us at every turn.

Cole:Did you say us? Who else escaped?

Uv:Shuuush, you're interrupting the story.

(Cole rolls his eyes)

Uv:We were running as fast as we could, taking ever shortcut you could ever imagine, but what to do after we escaped?

Cole:Eat cake?

Uv:I knew your dad would look after me, he was soooo happy I was out of jail, oh to feel your fathers cold, dry hands again was amazing, the scent on your father's clothes.

Cole:This is getting weird, I'm gonna go train with my friends.

Uv:Ok cakey.

Cole:And please don't follow me.

Ninjago Cole's new mom(Ultra Violet)- A ninjago seriesWhere stories live. Discover now