A Message from Redyce.

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It was a normal day just like any other. I was recording a Podcast Episode until my really old, dusty Color Protector AI turned on and said "HAWK! I REQUEST YOU TO GATHER UP ORANGESTONE, YELKSTOW, GRENSCHLOCK, AND BLUMOND!" I quickly stopped recording and said "I accept the request." I put on my top hat with fire (not burning the fabric somehow) ready myself with my shotgun and put on my mechanical arm. I walk out of my tree house, climb down to the ground and start running to where Yelkstow was currently located. His nice hometown of Yellowsburg. As I approach Yellowsburg I stop and start panting, I then walk there since I was relatively close. The Guards surrounding Yellowsburg's Gate say "HALT! State your name and why you're here." I say "I am Hawkins of the Protectors of the Color Realm, I was tasked by Redyce to get a certain Yelkstow of Yellowsburg..." The Guards say "OUR MISTAKE! GO RIGHT IN!" I run to Yelkstow's house and knock on the door. Yelkstow opens it and says "Hawk?- What are you doing here in Yellowsburg? Come in, have a nice cup of tea. We can talk it over." I walk in and sit down on his table. Yelkstow pours in a nice cup of tea. He says "So...why are you here?" I reply saying "Redyce. Must be something about the prophecy." Yelkstow and I finish our tea, on the right side of Yelkstow's pants burst open revealing a mechanical leg. He picks up his staff, I can hear a faint "St. Yellow of Yellowsburg guide me through this journey." from Yelkstow. From the left side of his shirt a mechanical arm comes out. Yelkstow looks at me and says "Alrighty then, Let's go visit The Base." Yelkstow and I go out, Yelkstow says "Guards let me out I have a prophecy to look at." The guards open the Kingdom Wall Gate. I follow him, Yelkstow and I run to the Main Base. We knock onto the Main Base door to see Redyce expect us. Redyce says "About time..." Yelkstow and I walk inside and go to the Prophecy Stone. I say "Redyce?...Isn't the Prophecy Stone supposed to glow Black until the next half-century?..." Redyce sighs and replies saying "Yeah but...it seems to be that Blackkrust and Grayheart have prepared EXPONENTIALLY!" Yelkstow says "Grenschlock is at Greenville, like expected. But it seems to be that he's currently leaving the location. Must be to get Blumond..." Redyce says "Hawk, Yelkstow, get to The Blue Citadel before Grenschlock gets there." Yelkstow and I walk out of the Main Base and start running to The Blue Citadel.

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