It had been a lovely May 22nd, Erin and Kevin staying in a DIFFERENT hotel this time. They were chilling in the lovely state of California for a party that Milo Matthews had been throwing for something. He didn't really tell them what about, but maybe he just felt like throwing one! Erin didn't really feel like going, but he couldn't get himself to turn over how joyous Kevin seemed to be! Plus, if Kevin decided to drink, he could be there to make sure he didn't make any dumb mistakes!
It had now been 7:00pm, taking at least an hour and 15 minutes to get to the place where Milo had been throwing his party. Erin had one hand on his steering wheel, the other softly holding Kevin's hand. Eventually, he was able to find a safe spot to park that wasn't too busy with other fancy cars beside a CADILAC. He moved his hand away from Kevin's, unbuckling as he pulled himself out of the car. He then heard Kevin do the same, happily hopping to his side as he latched onto Erin's arm tightly.
"Wanna hold HAAAAANDS?!" He shouted, Erin's eyebrows slightly furrowing as he looked to Kevin's hands. He awkwardly turned his to press them into his dress pants.
"Nnn---o," he said, Kevin blinking a couple times as he stared at him for a little. He slightly questioned Erin's awkwardness, moving his arms from hugging him as he smiled a little.
"Okay!- Are we... ready to head in then?" He questioned. Erin softly pressed his fingertips onto his thighs more as he brushed them down a little. He then nodded, taking a deep breath afterwards.
"Yeah... mmm-- yeah I'm... ready-" he hard swallowed, Kevin softly nodding as he began to walk towards the place. Erin stayed put for a moment, letting out another sigh as he looked down to his pants. He looked to the car keys that had been sitting in his right hand, pressing the lock button. He then slowly moved forward to follow Kevin, softly stuffing the keys into his pocket.
They eventually got inside, the whole place not being too loud. It was quite huge with tall walls, bright lighting from the diamond chandeliers along the ceiling. Erin looked at them anxiously, already feeling his heart racing as he looked at Kevin. Kevin already seemed so happy, looking ready to run off to start something!
"AH! I want to find MILO!" He whisper yelled since the scene didn't really feel like the right time to be SCREAMING in. Erin just hard swallowed, keeping close behind as he kept his hands calmly placed behind his back. Kevin curved his way around some people, his smile getting wider as he was happy trying to find his BESTIE~!!
After lots of wandering around and being distracted by all the riches, they had finally found MILO AND JERRY! Milo had been in the middle of chatting with a small group of people before Kevin LEAPED at him to wrap an arm around him. It caused Jerry to wince badly away from Milo, raising his arms in defense as Haru swooped around his legs for just in case he fell. Erin had came to a slow stop, pressing his fingers softly into the stem of his champagne glass. He watched Kevin start loudly chatting with his friends, slightly smiling at the sudden rise of noise and chaos that he had caused. His eyes had slowly shifted to look at the fizzing contents of what was inside his glass, twirling it with his fingers as he turned around. He looked out to the bunches of other people here, seeing their fancy different forms of dresses and suits. His smile was slowly starting to fade at hearing more laughter and clinks of glass. It all seemed to start merging together, getting louder as he turned to look at Kevin in slight worry. It seemed that he wasn't noticing the sudden rise in noise, even the service dog that had been at Jerry's feet hadn't! It caused him to hold his breath for longer, slowly beginning to step back as he felt the glass in his hand get heavier. He turned around fully and began to speed walk away. He swerved past bunches of people and tried to say 'excuse me' so it didn't seem completely rude to shove himself by.
Erin made it to a large staircase that seemed to be littered with people who paused so they could get more in depth in their conversations. He tried not to look like he was running up them, briskly walking as he kept his gaze low in hope he wouldn't awkwardly make eye contact with anyone. Near the top of the steps, he had accidentally bumped shoulders with a woman. She shifted to the side a little, grabbing the rail as she turned to look at him.