First Day (part 2)

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     Hey everyone, just a brief disclaimer that there is some pretty harsh language and  minor bullying. if your not comfortable with this I'm very sorry but this chapter is important to the plot line.



 Tom is waiting for us at the door and with that we all head off to school.



    No one talked much on our short walk to school, and I could clearly see Tom avoiding my gaze. 

I feel kind of bad about how I acted earlier, I guess I was a little hard on him but He also has no right to restrict what I wear! He's not even technically my brother!

     When we reached the gates off the school Tom and Paddy took off to go see their respective friends but Sam and Harry hung back with me a the entrance gate. " Hey Y/N, We know  your new to the school so since we are in the same grade as us, Harry and I assumed you'd want someone to hang around with until you made some more friends here?" Sam says, smiling softly 

           I smile back, " that sounds great!" I reply as the bell rings and we are forced to head into the school grounds.

-- Time skip to first class--

          When I walk in the door of the classroom all eyes are on me, I notice a gaggle of girls start whispering to one another and the boys in the class just stare like I was piece of meat. As I walk towards an empty desk at the front of the class I catch a snippet of the girls conversation, " What a whore, can't she have any modesty." Another girl chimes in " Didn't she walk in with the Holland Brothers? Maybe she's sleeping with one of them." This leads to a chorus of giggles .

          I flush and sit down. Opening my school bag, I dig out my book hoping against hope that reading a few chapters of (your favorite book) will drown out their harsh criticisms. When what appears to be the leader of the girls walk over, " that's my seat, slut" she sneers at me.  

          " I don't see your name on it, bitch." I sass back at her letting my ( your accent) come through harshly. My harsh reply seems to shock her a little, but she regains her composure fast enough.  

           "You have fire, I like that. Why don't you join me and my girls for lunch today? let us show you the ropes a bit." She offers, clearly interested in what I'm going to do next.

           "Umm, let me think on that... How about, NO, I think I know the right people from the wrong people and you appear to be the wrong sort."  She flushes an angry red at this, she has clearly never been turned down before. 

           " You'll regret that" she mutters, just loud enough for me to hears her and flounces back to her 'friends' 

            Harry who had entered the class room during this whole encounter, comes and sits in the empty desk behind me. " That was bloody brilliant Y/N!" Harry Exclaims and I smile Bashfully.

           "It was nothing, Honest" I reply " I had girls at my old school who were identical in personality to her so it was nice to finally stand up to one of them!" 

            " Yeah, well you just accomplished what every girl in the school wishes they could do! Her name is Beatrix, by the way. The worst bit is that she is dating Tom, off and on, which means that we have to put up with her at family functions when they are together, ugh." Harry fills me in.

            Before I had a chance to answer, the teacher enters and quiets the room. " Hello class," the teacher greets. " Today we have a new student joining us! Y/N L/N. Would you care to introduce yourself?" He asks me politely. 

            I don't bother standing up. " Sure, my name as you all have already heard is Y/N L/N and I'm from (your home country)." I introduce my self. 

           "Does any one have any questions for Ms. L/N ?" the teacher asks, addressing the rest of the class. 

         " I do," Beatrix answers and I clench my teeth in anticipation. " Is it true that you slept with a teacher at your last school ?" the whole class except for the teacher and Harry burst into laughter. My face burns and I can feel tears brimming my eyes.

Why do girls have to be so mean??

        I run out of the class in shame and into the nearest female bathroom. Once inside a stall, I let the tears fall. I'm ugly crying as  sit down on the toilet, letting everything out and not caring a mascara and eyeliner run down my cheeks.

So much for water proof make up

       The though makes me smile a bit at the irony of the moment but it doesn't halt the tears that continue to drip on my hands. My hands are shaking so badly that I don't dare pick anything up in fear of dropping it.

        My phone starts ringing and doesn't stop even when I ignore it, at first I thought it was just Harry, because he witnessed the incident but when I check there are missed calls from Tom and Sam as well.  

 Why the hell did Harry have to inform his brothers!? 

       I realize when I check the time, I've missed two classes crying. I feel like such a loser in this moment. 

       I sit there for another good ten minutes before getting up and un rolling my skirt then leaving the stall. I see my reflection in one of the mirrors above the sinks, I have black streaks down my cheeks and my tear ducts are read and puffy from crying. I stop to use a paper towel and some water to take off the mascara streaks but there is nothing I can do about the puffiness.  

       When I exit the bathroom, I see Harry, Sam and Tom all sitting there with their backs against the wall. They turn to face me when they hear the squeak of the metal hinges, and all jump up so they can envelope me in a group hug.  I try to break free but they hold me tight until we hear some one clear their voice from behind us. It's the headmistress. 

     " Boys you may return to your classes, Y/N you come with me . " She says bluntly, I hang my head in embarrassment as I follow her to her office.  


And I have left you on another cliff hanger... hope you guys have enjoyed despite this! 

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Keep reading!

Charlotte E. Harrison 

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