Welcome to the family

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Hey everyone!
Just wanted to start the story with a little thank you for listening to my plea! I had been getting a bit depressed and was seriously considering stopping this book until you all encouraged me to keep writing!
Little shoutout to:
  Osterfield_Holland and Slowslothgirl 

    I recognised Tom's house as we walked up the road. The familiar feeling of dread washing over me, but I was determined this time that I wouldn't run. This place is safe I reminded myself, but instead of calming my neves it brought flashbacks of home and my aunt and cousin taunting and abusing me. But this place won't be like that, this home is safe. Tom says so. I chastised the little girl inside who kept trying to tell me otherwise.
      Tom must have realised that my anxiety was running haywire again and took me by the the hand , squeezing gently, as if to say 'I'm here if you need me'. I looked up at him gratefully and he offered a reassuring smile in return.
As we walked through the door, two rambunctious curly haired boys come running up to me. " Hi, Y/N! I'm Harry, and this is my twin, Sam" he says motion to his brother. Their smiles were contagious and I soon felt myself smiling from ear to ear just to match their enthusiasm.
Then both of them take me by the arms and drag me over to the kitchen where I see the youngest Holland. "Hi, I'm Patrick but you can call me Paddy" he says meekly.
    I smiled at him, "Hi Paddy, I'm Y/N"  I say. He turns bright red and looks away, " I'm really sorry for dumping slime on your head, I really didn't mean anything by it..." he stammers, clearly embarrassed.
      "It's ok" I start "let's start again, ok? I'd really like to get to know you" I offer another smile. He comes over and hugs me and I return the hug.  I feel someone's gaze on me and I turn to see Tom smiling like crazy.
       Soon after, two grown ups that I assume are Tom's parents walk into the kitchen. " Hi dearie," the woman starts and comes over to embrace me.  " You must be Y/N, Tom has told us so much about you. Welcome to the family, I'm Nicola and behind me is Dom"
        Pulling away she saw me blushing profusely and chuckled to herself. " I'm.. I'm not Tom's g..girlfriend if that's what you think, ms. Holland "  I stammer. Assuming that's what she  meant by her statement.
         This made her laugh even more, to the point where she was almost crying, " Oh no dearie, Tom told me about your predicament so we figured that we would take you in as one of our own. It will be nice to not be so outnumbered by boys in this house, if you know what I mean. And please call me Nikki, ms. Holland makes me feel old, and I'm not there just yet."
          I suddenly felt more at home than I had ever felt before.  Nikki and Dom felt like parents and the boys like brothers.  since my father died I haven't found anyone that I'm this close too. I can't wait to see how the rest of my time here will go! Because no good thing last when I had something to do with it.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to get it out so it's a bit short and unedited but I got it out!
Love you guys!

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