Titan 2

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Just so you know, these updates are only snippets of the actual chapters. Some bits and important scenes.

"It seams no one has been hit yet. That's a relief. Now all we need to do is find the damn Truck and bring it home." Franx muttered.

"Um, yeah but, big bro?" Ashia questioned.

"What is it?"

"Um, why are we in a burrito?"

Readers: 0_0

"It's a disguise Ashia. It'll be disastrous for humans to notice other worldly beings like us." Franx replied

"Oh" His brother muttered in understanding. How could he be so stupid enough to forget? Being Kami's sons, they walking through the streets would be like an angel taking a stroll. Only ten times worse.

"Don't be beat up. Look, our target has been sighted." He encouraged his brother, pointing to the suspicious vehicle moving at a slow pace, as if stalking someone. His eyes narrowed.

"And it seems, it's target has also been selected."


"You're just paranoid. There's nothing unusual about a weird truck following you around." She muttered, trying to calm her irratic heart.

It'd been two hours since she'd started being followed by the damn car. Two hours was enough to make anyone go mad. Enough to call the police. So why hadn't she done just that? She didn't know.

Whether out of curiosity or fear, something was keeping her from dialing those three numbers. Besides, she already had a plan in mind.

In a split second, the girl ducked out of the street and into an alleyway. She breathed heavily, looking in the direction of the truck that had suddenly stopped. There was no way her pursuer's vehicle could fit the narrow path. The only option left was for them to come out of the car. And judging from the gap she'd put between them, there was no way they could catch her

Or so she thought.

Her eyes widened as the huge truck begun to shrink before her. It blew it's horn and turned, passing through the alleyway with ease. She was frozen in fear and awe, only coming back to when the vehicle stopped. And then...begun racing towards her!

She dashed out of the place, wrapping her arms around the grocery bag and breaking into a sprint.


Her head snapped to the smooth voice that yelled out. On her left side, two people in a burrito suit were hurriedly making their way towards her.

Suddenly, the bigger one tripped and fell, rolling over, the smaller burrito didn't even bother to help him, pushing him down the low hill.

'What in the world happened to society while I was locked up in my room?!'

"Stop you stupid box of metal!"

'Oh, so he was talking to the truck? Makes perfect sense.'

"And you human, don't stop running!" The smaller guy yelled again, pointing at her.

She pumped her feet faster, taking random turns until she finally arrived at the main street. She bent down, catching her breath. People gave her weird looks, but she was too spooked to bother about them.

'What the hell was that?"

Beeeeeeeeep! Beeep! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!

She stared wide eyed as the truck suddenly appeared out of no where. This was it. She was going to die.


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