The Torturing

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It was a long and bumpy ride in the back of this van. (It was also very wet) when the car finally stopped. She could hear the two men discussing punishments and ways to torture her.

Finally, the dealer took the sack off of her head.

"Get out of the car, spitbag!" He yelled, pulling of her duct-tape and yanking off her light blonde body hair. (but at least she got a free wax)

The men grabbed her arms and dragged her into a large warehouse where they strapped her down to a chair and began bullying her.

"You're built like a spider!" one said

"Is you're name Great Wold Lodge? Cuz you're acting like a waterpark with all this spit!"

"who the hell wants to but LICORICE. THE CANDY??"

"You wear glasses! Can you not even do one of the five basic senses?"

the men were not sugarcoating anything they said while bullying her. Eventually they couldn't think of anymore roasts so they let the real torturing being.

Eliza's chair was placed in front of a giant tv, that was turned off but as soon as the men got done bullying her, that's when she would be psychologically abused.

"HI SISTERS!! JAMES CHARLES HERE!"Screeched the tv. It was the worst punishment imaginable. Being forced to watch every single one of his videos.

The men said that she would be released after watched each of his youtube videos, tiktoks, and snap chat updates. Pure Torture.

She begged for a different punishment. Be thrown into a pit of snakes or to have her limbs cut off but the men refused. They were evil.

She sat through hundreds of hours of James Charles and the sound of his voice was engraved in her brain. "HI SISTERS! HI SISTERS! HI SISTERS!" it was almost like she was at a nunery with all of the talk of sisters.

after two weeks of nothing but james Charles, she had finally watched all of his videos but the trauma wouldn't go away

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after two weeks of nothing but james Charles, she had finally watched all of his videos but the trauma wouldn't go away.

She had night terrors of him grinding in his tiktoks. His singing made her ears bleed. His house tours made her want to vomit. His makeup tutorials physically made her implode. Eliza Rock had died no later than twenty minutes of her release from her kidnappers. What was the cause of death? James Charles.

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