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Kenni (Mc'Kenzie) POV

"Ughhh....chris isnt texting back" Stacy whinned

I sat more comfortable on the couch and listened to stacy complain about chris not texting her. If she only knew his ass probably was fxcking some other bitchh...

"Kennii...can u call chris on your phone because he wont answer me" she whinned

"Stacyy..why u bugging he gone call u later"

She gave me a glare.

"CALL HIM NOW" she says through gritted teeth

I picked up my old Galaxy 3 and dialed chris number


   Phone conversation..

"Mmm chris baby harder.."

"Helllooooooo chris i knoe u hear me on this mf'n phone"

"Hello who is this"

"Bitchhh this kenni and stacy who tf was that in that background"

"Awhh fuck...stacy babyy thats was the uhh...Tv"


When i looked over at stacy her face looked drained like she seen a ghost...

"I cant believe i put all my trust in a boyy i loved sooo much but he fucks me over...i cant do this.....im not having his kids i DONT want them...this is his 12th time cheating since i been pregnant. Maybe if i wasnt pregnant then he would love me" she cried. Then got up amd wobbled to her room and slammed the door.

I sat on the couch just staring at the wall. I didnt know what to do how she is feeling is close to how i felt...


Someone beated on our door repeatly. I didnt even notice i had  fell asleep. I slowly got up wiping my eyes.

"Who is it" i screamed at door


"Who tf is...i ain opening the door til u say your name" i said and stepped back.

"Just open the fxcking door" a familar voice said.

I unlocked all the locks and bars and opened the door and there stood RAY....

"Whyy the fuck are u here and beating on our mf'n door like u the damn police tf u thought this was..ion even fuck with u sooo whyy u hea...and no chris ain heaa"

"Man shut that shit up i came to ask u a question" he said while trying to walk around me. I stuck my arm out.

"Nahh we can talk standing righh hea,wassup"

"Ighh, i just wanted to start off saying im soo sorry with what happen to you i ain mean to do u like that i was immature and ive changed i really fxcked up this time and i knoe u probably dont give a fuck bout whaa im saying but im truly am sorry" he said

"Hold up wait i knoe u ain come hea for no pity party cause if so u can leave" i explained.

I dont know what it was but all of a sudden his lips were on mine. When he pulled back i stuck my hand out soo hard and slapped him.

"Wtf are u doing dont put your fxcking lips on me, i knew it was a bad idea when i opened the door and saw your face staring at me. Goodbye rashawn u cant just waltz your ass to my door and tell me your sorry and expect me to forgive you. I couldve died because  your ass wanted to lead me on and embrass me infront of the whole park...i fucikng loved u but u saw me only as a piece of ass sooo dont come around hea tryna say sorry get the fuck away from my door GOODBYE RASHAWN" I said as a single tear rolled down my face and with that i closed the front door.

I walked to the couch and sat down. All my old feeling came rushing back i cried on that couch for hours....UNTIL MORNING

Stacy's POV

Yall havent heard from me in a lil while but im going through alot of shit. You the know the feeling when u put your all in to a relationship but it still feels as tho its based on lies. I cant go on like this im done. I planned this for a long time and now the time has come

I went through my dresser draw and found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote:

Dear, the people i love
Im soo sorry to leave u like this but i love yall and i wann yall to remember me dont never forget me and dont allow my children to not know about me tell them about me and make sure they know i always love them and i love yall.... Mckenzie take care of my babies, i know u will be great soo thats yy im giving u full custody of them and ive stored some money for yall soo yall should be set, there were secrets thats are kept in the dark and are a burden on me i just cant go on sooo......BYE i love yall with all my heart

Love, Ah'stfeahneah (stacy)

I fold the paper and sat it on my pillow. I walked into my closet grabbed the rope and slowy walked to the bathroom. I threw the rope over the shower rod and tied it to the faucet and fixed my neck in the loop in the rope, climed on top of the tub edge and dropped..................

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