whaa the fawkk

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Mckenzie's POV

6 months later.........

After that horrible unforrgetable night they had stacys funeral or whateva. It was sooo emotional not many could come because it was a private ceramony.

After the funeral they read the will. I find out she left me and the twins almost $700,000 dollars. She made it clear she wanted her babies taken care of.

Some time after all that i got call a from Chris demanding me to bring his kids to him,but i just cussed him out. Then him and destiny gone come to the condo and destiny gone try to charge me up. I beat that ass real quick and kicked that ass out.

Since then me and twins moved to a place where nobody can bother us only person that knows where we at is g-ma.....

I walked around the mall pushing a double stoller with jordan and jorda. My feet were killing me, we had been walking around this mall for almost 3 hours shopping for the twins and picking me up a little something.

I got the twins matching emoji joggers,...we stayed in line most of the time to pick up to pick up the twins the columbians. I got them some emerald timbs, a ton of outfits, jorda got a bunch of headbands and bows. Jordan on the other hand, I found him some cute little nike elite socks and basketball shorts.

On our last stop we walked to the food court because i was hungry. I stopped at Itialiones and order me some food. When i was walking to the cashier i bumped into a hard chest which knocked me on the floor.

"Ohh damn, i sorry ma i didnt see you there" he said while he helped me up.

"Its fine i shouldve been looking where i was going" i said as i dusted myself off.

When i looked up at him i notcied it was the same guy from mc'donalds that i was staring at. I must had been staring again because he waved his hand in my face.

"Umm..u look soo familar waiitttttt i have seen u before u the beautiful girl from mcdonald a couple months back...."he stated as he stared into space like he was remembering something.

"Yea that was me" i said and looked away shyly.

"I never seemed to had got you name ma"

"Ohh i my bad but i dont give my name out how i kno u aint the feds" i chuckled.

"Trust me ma i ain no feds"

"Well if i see u again u can get my name" i said and grabbed my food and pushed the babies on.


When we finally got home i was soo tired. Jorda was screaming and crying while jordan slept. I swear this little girl was spoiled u gotta hold her and talk to her before she would be quiet.

While i was rocking jorda to sleep i heard people on the outside of my door whispering and and cocking guns. Then all of a sudden my door flew across the living room and people with black bandana's on their face came rushing in. I let a loud scream as a man grabbed jorda out of my hands and picked up jordan off his blanket.

"What do yall want i havent done shit yall can have anything yall want just leave me and the babies alone" i cried and screamed!!

"Bitch shut the fuck up we knoe we can have anything we want and we want YOU AND THESE CRYING ASS KIDS" the man said as he got in my face.

I dug deep down and spit in this face thats when i felt a gun hit me across the face and i was out cold.

Ohhhh myyy!!!!!!

~Simply I'Diamond

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