Episode 2 | Trust Issues

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(Yeon Son is seen in the same elevator with Dan-woo, it's morning)

Dan-woo - (Smiling) Hello miss

Yeon Son - Good morning, Mr. Dan

Dan-woo - Have we met before?

Yeon Son - I'm Yeon Son, last daughter to the CEO.

Dan-woo - Do you know any Suik Ana?

Yeon Son - Yeah! That's my eldest.

Dan-woo - She doesn't seem like you.

Yeon Son - What do you mean?

Dan-woo - She is so obsessed with me and I don't even like her. I have a reputation to keep.

Yeon Son - (Astonish) Obsessed? Why are you telling me all these? And did she mention to you that she likes you?

Yeon Son - (Astonish) Obsessed? Why are you telling me all these? And did she mention to you that she likes you?

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Dan-woo - Her actions defines that Son. I'll leave first.

Yeon Son - (Holds Dan) In as much as my Sis loves you, you can't walk out on me.

(Elevator opens)

Suik Ana - (Enters) Yeon Son... Dan-woo, Is there any problem?

Dan-woo - Suik Ana, I'm making facts clear to your little sister.

Suik Ana - (To Yeon Son) Did you ask him out?

Yeon Son - (Astonish) What?

Dan-woo - I have no feelings for you Ana and I'm not planning on loving you. So please, let's work as normal people. (Pause with an exhale) I'll leave first.

(He vacates from the elevator)

Yeon Son - Sis...

Suik Ana - (Wonders in tears angrily) Don't... What did you say to him?

Yeon Son - Nothing. He said it all, I was only trying to convince him that...

Suik Ana - (Interrupts immediately cutting Yeon Son shut) That what? That you love him that you are more special? That what!...

Yeon Son - (Angry and confuse) Ana! I'll never do anything to hurt you. You are my sister.

Suik Ana - You just made a huge mistake

(She leaves)

Yeon Son - (Wonders) What did I do?

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