chapter five

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Chapter five

I wake up first and realize it's Friday, Brooke's date.  I wake everyone up and we all get dressed.  El, Max, and Brooke all change into their new fits and I do the same.  We walk out to the kitchen to see Sherlock reading the paper.  "Good morning, I made breakfast."  He said. We thanked him and ate before leaving for school.  We arrived an hour early today so we could hang out with our friends.  "I didn't know you two knew each other outside of school,"  I said.  "Well we wanted a summer job and it kind of stuck." Steve said. We all chilled until we had to depart.  I was off to history first today.  It was my first time in history so I had no idea who I would be sitting with.  And with my luck I found out it was Viscount.  Wonderful.  I sat beside him and took out my book.  "Hey," he said.  "Hi?" I say back. "Viscount Tewkesbury'' he says.  "I know, 1800s dude,"  I replied.  "Whatever," he said.  I rolled my eyes as Ivy entered.  "Hi baby," she says, sitting on the other side of him so they could make out. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.  This class hasn't even started and I already want it to end.  I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see a young boy.  "Ivan, you?"  He says.  "Enola,"  I say happily.  I can feel Viscount glare on my back.  "I really like your outfit."  he compliments.  "Thank you I-" "hm hm hm," Tewkesbury coughs.  I turn around to see the teacher walk in.  I smile at Ivan and turn around.   "Miss Enola Holmes, please introduce yourself."  Mr. Clarke says enthusiastically.  I'm transferring into his science class next semester.  I stand up and walk to the front, seeing Max and El in the back.  "Hi, I'm Enola, I love books, netflix, and my friends, two of which are in here." I say. "How many people do you know here?" he asks.  "I know Ivy, Max, El, Sam, Ivan, 1800s dude, and that's it for this class"  I say, earning some laughs.  After people introduce themselves I sit back down.  "Stop calling me an 1800s dude,"  Viscount says. "Stop bugging me,"  I say, quirking an eyebrow.  He leans toward me to whisper something in my ear, butterflies erupt in my stomach.  "I don't recall being the bug,"  he says.  I pretend to swat him away.  "Is that so?"  I giggle.  Shit.  Why was I giggling? Ew.  I turn and face the front, ready for two hours of hell. 
    Okay, so I was incorrect about it being hell.  Mr. Clarke is the coolest.  I think he just made me like history.   I meet up with Brooke and the others for science and we are off.  We say hi to Steve, Robin, Jonathan, and Nancy before they go to class too.  We all chatted and I told them about what happened in history.  We all talked about how Mr. Clarke was definitely our favorite teacher.  We all walked in and realized the teacher wasn't our normal teacher.  We took our seats and waited for an explanation.  The bell rang and she slammed her book shut.  "Hello class, I know you are very confused and I'll explain why,"  she said quickly. "I'm mrs. Tanner, and your old teacher mrs. Mcmann, has sadly passed away.  I will be your sub until we find a replacement."  My heart stopped, sure she was old but wow, I didn't expect her to go so soon.  We all did introductions and she handed out a quiz for us to take.  She ended class with watching a short movie.  We were dismissed to our next class.  
    No classes were interesting enough to remember so I was just focused on lunch.  It rolled around and I was the first out the door.  I met up with the whole gang. (Older kids and all).  We all went to a table in the corner with our food.  Me and Robin became really close too.  Lunch ended as quickly as it began.   We said our goodbyes and we were off again, only me, mike, max, and lucas had physics together today.  
   After school me and Brooke got ready for ou- I mean her date.  She changes into a shirt dress before I head to my house to get dressed as well.  I chose a pretty revealing outfit before going back to her house.  She got in my car and we drove to the location we were meeting them at.  And guess who the friend was.  Tewkesbury!  "you," I said coldly.  "You"  he imitated.  "Well, let's go,"  Aaron said.  We all nodded in agreement and followed him.  He led us to a theme park. I raised my eyebrows. A horror theme park.  My worst nightmare.  I felt terrified.  Yes, I know what you're thinking. 'The bad bitch afraid of horror things? puh-lease'.  I'm not afraid of horror movies.  Just haunted houses and um, theme parks.  "Awesome!" Brooked chirps.  I shiver, I wanna go home.  Tewkesbury seemed to notice my discomfort.  He eyed me strangely.  Butterflies.  What's with the butterflies Enola?!  Sure, the most attractive man you have ever seen is staring at you, but that couldn't be the reason, could it?  We enter the park and I instantly feel like passing out.  I start feeling light headed and sweaty.  I really wanted to go home.  I take a deep breath in, and let it out.  My mind was focused on trying not to have a panic attack as we ventured deeper into the nightmarish park.  Aaron led us to the 'scariest' attraction, as he put it. I almost collapsed.  "Hey Enola, I saw you signed up for the talent show, what are you going to do?" Brooke asked.  "Probably sing,"  I say, chuckling awkwardly.  "What song?"  She asks. I smile, "I have a few, but my top three are, diamonds, S&M, and American boy."  I explain.  "Yes American boy!  That song gives me butterflies!" She exclaimed.  I chuckle.  "I wanna hear you sing it,"  Aaron says.  I reluctantly agree, hoping it will take my mind off of the horrors to follow.  "He said, Hey sister, it's really really nice to meet ya, I just met a 5 foot 7 guy who's just my type.  Like the way he's speaking, his confidence is peaking.  Don't like his baggy jeans but imma like what's underneath them,"  I sing.  I laugh afterwards.  "Bravo!" Aaron says.  I chuckle and refocus on the haunted house in front of me.  We slowly enter.  I'm about to pass out.  A few tears roll down my face.  Thank god for darkness and waterproof eyeliner.  I shiver violently.  Not because I'm cold, but out of sheer terror.  Viscount is walking next to me, and I don't want to grip onto him.  I walk quickly in front of him.  A jumpscare.  I shriek and grip onto Viscount, sobbing.  I was so close to passing out.  I expected him to throw me off him, but instead he gripped my hair and told me that it was gonna be alright.  "Guys!"  he shouted.  "What?" Brooke responded. "Holy shit what happened!"  I could hear her running over.  "B-brooke,"  I whimpered, scared out of my mind.  I was then enveloped in darkness.

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