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I could opaused with phones pressed to their ears, doctors mid-step, patients motionless in their beds. We stood at opposite ends of the hallway, my wings stretching from wall to wall. In that moment, all I could think of was our wedding night over a thousand years ago. And then his voice cut through my thoughts.


"Yes," I replied.

I turned to Evan, hoping for some answers. But he only stared back blankly, the list materializing in his hands as if by magic. I despised that list. The list that determined who lived and who died, meant to control destiny. The list that bore only one name written in a perfect, magical cursive that only a reaper could decipher. A name that held everything for Tristan. As I pondered his name, Tristan, my mind wandered to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. The famous quote, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." He wasn't supposed to have a child. Or a fiancé. Yet here I was in this hospital, waiting for the Angel of Death to utter a name that shouldn't be, that shouldn't exist. None of this was meant to be. The name that I could save. One name. 

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