Golden days

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Take me back to the golden days
when my laughter echoed in the hallways,
hide and seek, a child's play
the colours have faded, left me in grey.

Take me back to the golden days
when life wasn't a rat race,
my smiles gleaming like sunshine
once upon a time, peace was mine.

Take me back to the golden days
pause oh time, my heart decays.
Bring to me the childhood bliss
let me rise from this dark abyss.

Take me back to the golden days
I should've known future is a maze,
don't you see me drowning in despair
every single thing seems so unfair.

Please, take me back to the golden days
the ones which my mind replays.
Let me relive the blissful dawns,
It hurts my heart to realise it's all gone.


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