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There's a place that I call 'my home'
where I wake up to the aroma of
the brewing delectable tea
that hits my nose, (oh the pleasure!)
and the screeching of mixer grinder
concocting my meal, perhaps
all from my favourite spot, the kitchen.

There's a beautiful woman, whom I call 'my mum'
with compassion pouring out from her eyes
and hands that wrap me up in its comfort in the cold nights.
The lullabies that once put me to sleep has far gone by
but upto this day, it lingers in my ears, bringing in peace
when the days get tough.
She wakes up at five without a fail
and starts her chores like a machine
with no rest nor any leisure,
her limbs in a constant motion
until the clock strikes 11
and somedays even longer.
I can see her bones breaking
and her soles tearing
but her lips are curved up in a smile always,
never complaining, hiding her troubles and fears
beneath her lovely face.
Sacrifices after sacrifices
for her family, over again.

There's a gentleman that I call 'my dad'.
Working late almost all days,
taking up all the burden with a smile on his face,
never a word about all the pain
doing his best to cover up the strain.
Never hesitating to sacrifice his wishes ,
only to grant all our wishes.
Silently supporting us in all ways,
guiding us when we went astray,
showering upon us all the love and care
he is the superhero, will be always.

There's the boys and a girl, whom I call 'my siblings'.
Quarelling and pouring tears, almost all days
but has love for each of other, hidden somewhere in the heart.
The fights, the laughters, the smiles and tears
are what glued them together
despite all the mess.
Never fails to annoy on a daily basis,
but has my back when the time comes.

Oh, there's a place that I call my home,
there indeed my heart roams,
a haven where I am never alone
and there indeed my smiles shone.


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