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Kurt woke up the next morning feeling groggy and disoriented. The previous night had been emotionally draining; explaining everything to Blaine and Betty and then having to do it all over again when George came home. Kurt was almost tempted to skip school, but then Blaine would have to face the entire student body by himself and Kurt didn't even know how his parents had reacted to his coming out yet - he'd sent Rachel home when his parents arrived, choosing to face them alone.

Fortunately, after a rather awkward breakfast and a short walk to school, Kurt and Rachel found Blaine by the flag pole in front of the school, looking no worse for wear. He kissed Kurt good morning just as he had done with Rachel the morning before, earning them more than a few curious looks. Some bordering on hostile and God, it was just one crisis after another, wasn't it?

"How did it go last night?" Kurt asked as soon as he pulled away.

"They didn't really understand," Blaine said, not looking too worried. "I don't think I did a good enough job of explaining it, but I didn't really know how."

"You will," Rachel butted in, looking manic with glee. "Now that you and Kurt are out, I'll be holding my second sexual education seminar. You can invite them to come!"

Kurt groaned. "You are not."

"Why not?" Rachel demanded.

"Because you're not." Kurt mindlessly reached for Blaine's hand. "End of story."

Rachel huffed. "You said you'd let me do it after you came out to Betty and George."

"I said I wouldn't let you do it before," Kurt corrected her. "I never said you could do it immediately after."

"I think it's a good idea," Blaine said. "What if there are more kids like us in town? They need to know about this sort of thing."

Rachel beamed, knowing that she had won. "You can take charge of the seminar if you want," she told Kurt. "I'm sure you've already looked all the relevant information up for yourself."

Kurt averted his eyes, feeling his face heat up.

"...Right?" Rachel prompted.

"I've never had a boyfriend before," Kurt mumbled awkwardly. "I didn't see the point."

He was expecting Rachel to lecture him about his ignorance, but all she did was sigh and cross her arms. "Well, I guess I'll have to handle this as well. I don't know everything there is to know about gay sex but I do know the basics." She looked pointedly up at Kurt. "But even if you're not holding the seminar, you do have to attend. Now that you have a boyfriend and all."

Kurt was suddenly very aware of Blaine's hand in his and he had to fight the urge to let go. He didn't see the need for him to educate himself right away, when he didn't plan on having sex any time in the foreseeable future. Admittedly, making out with another boy had seemed unthinkably scary to Kurt after Karofsky hate kissed him, yet doing so with Blaine had been nothing but exciting. But touching lips and touching genitals were two very different things.

Kurt stole a furtive glance at Blaine, who looked flustered but shot Kurt a coy smile when their eyes met.

Oh God. He was not ready for this.


Out of everything he had done in the past few weeks, nothing had filled Blaine with such a sense of guilt as this.

Falling in love with Kurt had been confusing and frightening but Blaine had never felt guilty about it, even when he thought that maybe he should. Hearing Rachel tell him that feeling the way he did was okay, had at once been a revelation and a confirmation.

But skipping church – that made him feel guilty. He knew from Kurt and Rachel that you didn't necessarily always have to attend church or even believe in God to be a good person but even so, Blaine felt guilty. Kurt must have sensed it, because he had insisted that Blaine go attend the sermon, but Blaine had dug his heels and ignored his own discomfort. Helping Rachel with her seminar was important; surely, God would understand that.

Although, Blaine reflected as he pressed a kiss just beneath Kurt's jawline, maybe they weren't being very helpful right now.

"Blaine," Kurt whispered, the air hitting Blaine's ear and making him shiver. They were standing in the kitchen, Kurt leaning against the counter.

"Mmm?" Blaine mumbled into Kurt's neck, opening his mouth a little bit and tasting the skin there. He liked the way Kurt tasted.

"We-" Kurt's breath hitched, "-we're supposed to be getting the lemonade."

Blaine's hand, which was resting on Kurt's back, slid a little lower, rubbing against the thin fabric. He really wanted to know what Kurt's back felt like without that fabric getting in the way, but Kurt reached back and grabbed his hand just as he was about to untuck his shirt.

"This is not getting the lemonade," Kurt reprimanded. He was blushing, Blaine could tell as much, even if the other boy was still in black and white. His hand, which was still gripping Blaine's, was trembling.

Blaine bit his lip, the feeling of guilt which Kurt's kisses had chased away returning. He honestly hadn't meant to get sidetracked, but being with Kurt was like nothing he had ever experienced. He kept wanting to touch him, to pull him close, to kiss him and run his fingers through his hair. How did people in love get anything done?

"Come on," Kurt said, pushing Blaine gently away. "We should get back to work."

"Yes," Blaine agreed but his eyes kept being dragged back to Kurt's lips. They looked swollen and Blaine bet that if they were in color, they would be cherry red. The thought made him happy, made him want to lean in and kiss Kurt some more.

But Kurt was no longer there. He was standing three terribly long feet away, rummaging through the fridge. "Found it!" He turned back to face Blaine, a pitcher of lemonade in his hand. "Let's not keep Rachel waiting any longer."

Who cares about Rachel? Blaine thought stubbornly and instantly felt very ashamed. Rachel was a good friend, his best friend aside from Kurt, and here he was, being so ungrateful to her after all she had done for him.

"Blaine?" Kurt stepped closer and took Blaine's hand in his. "Are you all right?"

Blaine nodded, even if he wasn't, really. He was so much more than all right. He was ashamed and guilty, excited and in love. It surprised him sometimes how many different feelings could fit inside him at once but he liked it, even if it sometimes hurt or made him think ill of his friends.

"Let's go upstairs."


There were still people filing into the Soda Shop but Kurt could already tell that this seminar would not be as well tended as the last. Ever since Rachel began advertising it a week ago, Kurt had heard whispers around school. Mostly some mean-spirited, if weak-sauce, comments about how 'queer' Blaine and the Parker kids had gotten. Blaine thankfully didn't seem to have caught wind of any of it yet, but Kurt knew to keep his ear to the ground. Despite Rachel's insistence, this was not the same as teaching the teens of Pleasantville about straight sex.

Honestly, Kurt was surprised that people hadn't become more hostile towards him and Blaine, although he was saving his relief until after the seminar.

Rachel took her place center stage by herself. Mr. Johnson stood to the side with his demonstrative paintings, looking a lot more uncomfortable than last time. Kurt fidgeted in his seat; he was already regretting picking the window seat. Next to him, Blaine leaned forward on the table, all his attention on Rachel. Kurt desperately tried not to think about how Blaine would probably be taking mental notes during the seminar.

"Well, it's five o'clock," Rachel announced, looking a little disappointed. There were still quite a few empty seats, mostly by the counter. It was obvious she was hoping for a better turn out, expecting it even. "Shall we get started?"

Already, Peggy Jane raised her hand. "Isn't Bud going to talk, too?"

"No," Rachel replied. "Bud has elected to sit this one out."

"But why?" asked Betty Jean.

All eyes turned to Kurt. He cast a pleading look to Rachel.

"Because he is not comfortable discussing this," Rachel said, voice slightly more confident. "We covered this last time. When it comes to sex, you have to make sure that all participants are comfortable with what you're doing. Even if you're just talking about it."

Peggy Jane pouted. "But-"

"No buts," Rachel said firmly. "Now, we are going to be discussing sex as it happens between two men. I encourage you all to listen with open minds and – yes, Betty Jean?"

Betty Jean lowered her hand. "What about two women?"

Rachel blinked. "E-excuse me?"

Now all eyes were on Betty Jean. The girl, who was otherwise fully black and white, blushed pink. "What about sex between two women? Is that possible?"

Rachel's eyes grew wide as saucers and it was clear that the same horrible thought had just occurred to her as with Kurt. They had not thought to research lesbian sex.

"Well." Rachel nervously wet her lips. "Yes, it is possible and will, in fact, be the topic of discussion for next week's seminar."

Betty Jean nodded, satisfied.

"You didn't say anything about another seminar," Tommy complained.

Rachel huffed. "I'm telling you now. Now, can we please get back on track? I have a forty minute program to get through, and that's not including the musical number."

When there were no more questions, Rachel nodded at Mr. Johnson, who unveiled the first painting. It was surprisingly innocent, showing two teenaged boys holding hands.

"I just wanted to make clear," Rachel said, "before I get into the sex, that same-sex couples are just the same as any other. When it comes to love, gender shouldn't matter. All that should matter is that you get your partner's consent." She cleared her throat. "That said, there are people who say that it's wrong. There are places where same-sex couples can't hold hands without being ostracized, or worse."

This was not something they had discussed, but Kurt knew as she spoke that Rachel was right in bringing it up. If they – well, mostly Rachel – wanted to make themselves out to be educators, they needed to be upfront about everything. Including the ugly stuff.

Kurt glanced at Blaine, whose face had gone completely pale. He grabbed Blaine's hand and squeezed it. Blaine squeezed back, and his expression turned determined.

"There are always people who think they can determine who you're allowed to love," Rachel continued. "But those people are wrong." She paused, gathering herself. "I just wanted you guys to know that. Now, onto less serious matters."

She nodded at Mr. Johnson, who revealed the next painting.

It was not as innocent as the first.

"Despite what some people think," Rachel said, "handjobs do count as sex."

"Jeepers," Peggy Sue whispered.


"That sure was interesting."

Kurt smiled at the table. "Sure was."

The Soda Shop was slowly clearing out, but Kurt didn't dare look at Blaine, keeping his gaze, as it had been for the last forty or so minutes, aimed downwards.

"I didn't even know you could put your tongue there," Blaine continued. "I mean, I suppose that you could put your tongue just about anywhere, but I can't say I really gave it any thought before."

Kurt let out a strangled noise. "Blaine?"


"Please stop talking."

"Oh," Blaine said, sounding abashed. "Of course."

Rachel's feet entered Kurt's field of vision. "You guys need to leave. Mr. Johnson's closing the Soda Shop."

Kurt jumped to his feet and all but stormed out of the Soda Shop, not even looking back to see if Blaine was following. He had almost crossed the street when Blaine grabbed his arm, having caught up with him. Kurt stopped short, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he finally raised his head to look Blaine in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked.

Kurt swallowed. "I'm not ready."

"For what?"

"For any of the stuff that Rachel just showed us," Kurt said. "I'm not ready to have your tongue there, or any part of you for that matter. I'm not ready for sex."

Blaine's eyes softened with comprehension. "Neither am I."

"No?" Kurt asked. "You were getting pretty handsy the other day."

"I like touching you," Blaine said, not the least bit self-conscious. "But... not there. Not yet. It's kind of scary."

Kurt smiled, relief flooding him. "It kind of is."

"You make it less scary, though," Blaine admitted. "I do want to have sex, someday. But not with anyone else."

Kurt grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him in for a kiss. Just a quick peck – Kurt was definitely still too wound up for anything more. "Likewise."

They walked home, hand in hand.

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