Chapter Eight

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-Yoongi's Pov-

It's been a while since I left the hospital. I think everyone thinks I'm crazy. I only leave to work and shower and have a nice change of clothes and feed my dog but I have mostly been eating hospital food and it's not as bad as everyone thinks. I know Jungkook thinks I'm stretching it a bit by never leaving Jimin's side but I don't know if he understands my reasonings. I refuse to let Jimin be alone until I know he's safe and he gets the help he needs. When he gets better then I'll be able to sleep peacefully at night. I don't want a repeat of history. I can't really say how long I've been here. It would have to be over a month or so. Jimin is getting better but I can see he is suffering from withdrawals and it breaks my heart because I know it hurts him. I often find us talking for hours on end, it could be about anything but I think it helps keep his mind off things that bother him though we talk about family a lot, He never grew up with a loving and caring family so he moved here in with other family in hopes to make his life better but never talks about the family here or what happened to make him leave but I can see it hurts to talk about. I hardly talk about my family because nothing good ever comes of it but I told Jimin that my family wasn't the supporting type of family well other than my brother who was my best friend all the way up to his passing. They didn't accept me for me and they didn't think that whatever I had to say, actually mattered, My mother hated me and my father was a drunk who never gave two shits about his own kids. We were all mistakes in his eyes but that didn't stop him from beating the everlasting shit out of us until we got too loud that the neighbors might hear and that's when he normally stopped. When I was 18 I moved out and worked my way up to join law enforcement, had to go through college my parents hardly helped paid for in order to get to where I am today. There were major setbacks though, my sister passing then soon after, my brother, and then I felt like I just wasn't good enough but Jungkook helped me. I met him around the time I started college, he was just finishing his second year and we have been friends ever since then after some time, I met Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Najoon who fully accepted me for who I was and they listened to my dreams and passions and they ever judged me for being me. They were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have pulled away from my thoughts when there was a knock at my office door. I blinked and looked up at Jungkook who pointed to the door nob. I got up and unlocked it and Jungkook rushed in before sitting in my chair and grabbed my phone.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Well Hoseok is worried about you spending a month in the hospital with Jimin so he paid Jimin a visit and gave him a gift and I think this is a gift for you as well in a way." 

I watch Jungkook for a few moments, confused he tried to kick me if I got close and I was about to throw something at him before I heard ringing and he gave me my phone and I looked down and seen Hoseok with Jimin.

"Yoongi! So I just got done telling Jimin and I'll tell you. I brought Jimin a phone! Don't worry it's under my contract so he won't lose it or anything but now you guys can text and call and stuff! hopefully...You won't live here at the hospital anymore, it's not healthy. Are you surprised?"

I smile and nod, I pretty much throw Jungkook out of my seat before I sit back down and set my phone on my desk so it's pointing at me.

"I taught him how to use it since he didn't know how to use one."

I watch Hoseok give Jimin the phone before saying goodbye and I find myself smiling the whole time we speak, it's like I can't stop smiling no matter how I try, I have never experienced this before. It was a new feeling that I loved. This made doing paperwork more enjoyable now.

"Are you feeling better today? No more headaches?"

Jimin shook his head before sighing a bit. "No, they gave me something for my head but if it's not my head then it's my whole body"

I listened before taking a sip out of my coffee cup.

"Did you tell them?"

"Yeah, they said the stuff they gave me for my head would help it but doesn't"

"Is it just achy?"


"Drink plenty of water, the best you can, I spoke to your doctor and you are allowed to have flavored water since you say you don't like the taste of sterilized water" I chuckled and he shakes his head and I catch a small smile before he goes back to frowning.

"Have you ever had mango melon flavored water? I can't remember the name but I remember drinking it when working late at my old job, it has a little Gekko on the top?"


"Yeah! that's the one! They were really cheap so I could buy a lot of them."

I hum before grabbing a sticky note and writing it down. "Any other flavors?"

"Dragonfruit and...I think Black and Blue Berry"

I write these down before putting the sticky note on my desktop monitor so I could remember before I look over to my phone and I see Jimin talking to a doctor but he muted himself I looked back to my computer before I looked back to my phone and he ended the call we were in. I go to text him but he's already texting me, he didn't tell me anything other than he had to go. After my shift, I go look for the water Jimin asked for, it's not common in Korea and is mostly sold in the US so I struggled a bit but after managing to get three of each flavor I headed to the hospital and set down the bag quietly next to the bed and looked at Jimin. I normally got off around 10 but I spent a few hours looking for his water so now it was 12 in the morning. I should be sleeping but I guess I care more about Jimin's wellbeing than my own.

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