Chapter Twelve

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-Jimin's Pov-

We made it back to Seoul. I feel like a new person. I feel actually good about myself. I'm actually happy to be alive and not just living to live, I have things to look forward to and I have feelings I've never felt before. When we were at the train station I took a shot in the dark. I leaned forward not really knowing if Yoongi would actually kiss me but when I see he was going to my heart was racing. I was so ready but as soon as it happened, it stopped. I can't say that I was happy that happened but I played it off calmly. We arrived at Yoongi's house where there were four other cars I'm guessing belonging to Yoongi and Jin's friends. We parked out front and Jin got his bags and moved them into another car because apparently, he lived with one of their friends. Yoongi grabbed my bag and went inside, I followed close behind him, and Jin and I heard the others cheering, welcoming home Jin and me. They all hugged Jin and Iw as half expecting them to do it to me but they didn't. Maybe they thought I was still scared of people or something, I don't know. They had bought a cake and had ordered food. I'm not going to lie, I feel out of place. Yoongi's house was huge, not a mansion or anything but big enough to hold a family of seven or more. I sat on the couch quietly while everyone spoke around me. They were drinking and having a good time and honestly I was just tired.



"Are you hungry? You were stuck in my car for a while."

"Oh. No, I'm fine, I'm Just tired."

I looked over to Yoongi who had a drink in his hand, he seemed to be thinking before he patted my shoulder.

"You should eat."


"Come on, I know it's not as good as Jin's food, which is pretty much godly but it's good."

I watch him for a moment before standing up and going into the kitchen with him, he gave me a plate before opening the fridge.

"Do you drink?"


"Champagne, wine, beer. I have Soju, a clear and slightly sweet drink. I'm sure you have heard of it?"

"I have but I don't...know if I want any"

I looked at Yoongi before looking at the food. I don't have a high tolerance for stuff like that so I don't want to make a fool of myself. Id hate myself for doing something like that. I watched Yoongi take it out before pouring himself a glass and drinking some of it before he looked up then walked over to me and tilted my head up to look at him before he planted his lips onto mine. I thought my heart was going to stop. I felt drunk, I was so dizzy but it felt good. He...He tasted good. I kissed him and he kissed me back and I felt like I was on cloud nine. I felt like I was shot right in the lung when he smiled at me. I couldn't breathe, everything about him was everything I didn't know I needed until just that moment. I must have been a blushing mess because Yoongi gently rubbed his thumbs against my cheeks. his hands were cold so I must have been burning up. I felt like I was on fire. He gently hugged me before grabbing his glass and plate before going into the other room and I was just left there on my own. Starstruck. I didn't get a lot of food but enough so no one questioned why I had been in there for so long and hardly had anything on my plate. I sat down quietly and watched everyone talk then glanced over to Yoongi who was talking to Hoseok. I ate to myself as I looked around Yoongi's living room. He enjoyed sports, surely, Baseball, skateboarding a sport? He likes that too and I see very little football stuff. 

"Jimin, right?"

"Huh? oh...yeah"

"Sorry, I couldn't really remember since it's been a while, I'm Taehyung. Everyone calls me Tae since its shorter"

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Tae"

I looked at him and his smile was so wide it took up half of his face. I turned to him and set my plate down.

"What do you for a job?"

"Oh, I work for a cafe near the police station, Namjoon works at someplace that does music or something then Hoseok works for Rolex and Jin is a fashion designer for Gucci or one of those big fashion lines. then Yoongi and Jungkook work at the police station I work by."

"Why don't you do something big like them?"

"Well because I'm a detective for the police station. I really shouldn't be telling you this but I trust you to keep a secret. There is a wanted man who comes to the cafe I work at"

"But that doesn't...make sense that could be called an undercover cop, right? not a detective"


"I don't mean to be rude...but are you..drunk?"


I nod before picking up my plate again and watched Jungkook drag Taehyung away. I see everyone is getting ready to leave. and packing up leftovers and whatnot.  Now it's only me and Yoongi. Yoongi is cleaning up while humming. I put my plate in the sink after I finish eating then I help him.


"Yes, Jimin?

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Well...everything. When we first met I clearly wasn't nice to you when I should have been despite you having to arrest me but you still cared about me anyway and when I overdosed...I did it because I didn't want to live anymore. I was tired of having nothing and no one and I figured maybe it would make me feel good one last time but it didn't. I was scared because I could feel myself dying right there. It wasn't worth it...but despite us getting off on the wrong foot you still helped me...and you saved my life even when I didn't deserve your kindness, you still gave me respect and treated me like I was worth something and you changed my life forever. You hadn't come I wouldn't be here. When I was in the hospital the doctors said I was just hardly hanging on by a thread and they said that they wouldn't didn't get their hopes up and that I would most likely die in my sleep because of how bad it was but you stayed there with me the whole time even when you thought I was asleep, I heard you cry and pray for me to be okay and I tried my best no matter how much it hurt me to do simple things like breathing or even staying awake, I tried my best to get better for you so I could see you smile and be happy. To have been able to be alive to hug you after I got better...well it meant much more to me than you might have thought. If you had not been there I most likely wouldn't be here right now. I guess I just wanted to thank you for giving me a second chance at life and to be able to feel emotions I never thought I would ever feel in my lifetime."

I looked at Yoongi and I expected him to smile and tell me along the lines that he knew I would get better or something but when I looked at him, he was crying. I watched him for a moment before going over to him and used my sleeves to wipe away his tears.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, Yoongi"

"No, it's fine. They're happy tears"

He looks at me and smiles before he manages to calm himself a bit before hugging me tightly and refused to let go. I felt my heart swell with a cocktail of emotions that I wasn't sure what to do with



"I love you."

I felt him squeeze me tighter and hide his face in my neck. "Words can't describe how much I love you Jimin. There is nothing in this world that I would be able to show you exactly how much I love you because no such thing exists"

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