1. Brett 9 / Eddy 8

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A/N: This story was originally drafted for my one-shot book: "What if I ain't no violinist?" but I was enjoying writing it so much that I decided to put it into its own book. This chapter does end like a one-shot but I do intend to write more. I hope you enjoy it. I aimed for a high UwU and wholesomeness factor in this episode. Please let me know in comments how I scored ;-)


Brett is an inquisitive 9-year-old in the 3rd grade.

One day when Brett ran into the classroom after recess, he almost bumped into another boy.

"Oops, sorry !"

Brett took a good look at the boy.  He looks about his age but did not look familiar.

"Um... who are you ?"

The boy faced Brett directly and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Eddy!"

Eddy's deep dark brown eyes were captivating and Brett felt like he was getting drawn right into them.

When Brett was stunned for words and went silent, Eddy tilted his head.

"Are you still there ?"

"W, what?"

"I'm blind.  What's your name ?"

Brett jolted in shock.  He has known of visually impaired people but he had never met anyone his own age that was blind.  He stammered.

"Oh, u, um.. I'm Brett. I'm sorry I almost bumped into you."

Eddy smiled again.

"That's okay, no harm done. Hey, you've got a really nice voice!  Nice to meet you Brett !"

"So class, today we have a very special guest, Eddy.  He is about the same age as you all and he usually attends the special school for the visually impaired but has kindly made this special visit today to meet us."

Brett sat quietly in his seat watching Eddy smiling.

I can't believe he can't see me, or anyone else in the classroom. Is everything just dark to him?  Wouldn't he get scared like I do at night? Was he born blind or did his eyes used to work before?  I wonder which is worse, to be blind all your life or able to see then one day have that taken away from you.  How does he get by on his daily activities?

"Brett? ....Brett Yang? Are you paying attention ?"

Brett looked up at his teacher.  She did not look impressed.

"I'm sorry I was just thinking about stuff..."

"Well, would you care to share your thoughts with the class ?"

"Um... um..."

Brett didn't want to ask his questions in front of the class, he wasn't sure if they were appropriate questions and he was worried that his questions might hurt Eddy's feelings.

Brett looked down and didn't say anything.  His teacher decided to let him off the hook today because she had visitors in the classroom.

"Please be respectful and pay attention, okay?"

"Yes miss, I'm sorry."

Brett felt like crying.

"Ok, so, Eddy would you please explain to us how you read and write?"

"Yes, Miss. For reading, I use special letters called Braille which are little bumps that you can read by touching them with your fingertips. We've brought some to show you."

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