7. Brett 28/Eddy 27

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5 years later.

Eddy turned 27 and Brett 28.

Together they run a successful Youtube channel. Together they have travelled around the world. Not just travel, but go on world tours, performing sold-out concerts all around the world.

"Hi, Mrs Chen."

"Hello Brett, thanks for agreeing to come to chat with Belle and me in private."

"Sure, hi Belle... um, what's this about?"

Belle sighs.

"Look Brett, I'm sorry, I told mum to stay out of it but she insists we intervene. I apologise in advance."

"Is this about Eddy? Is everything okay?"

"Brett, are you and my Eddy a serious couple?"


"It's okay Belle. Um, Mrs Chen... I would like to think so, but why don't you just ask Eddy?"

"I did. Now he won't talk to me."

"Oh I see."

"So are you? I know you stay here when I'm away and Eddy stays over at your parents place a lot, too."


"Belle, this IS my house, you know."

"Um... May I go speak to Eddy first please ?"

Belle speaks up.

"Yes! Oh, of course, you can Brett, go along. I'm so sorry about mum."

"Eddy? It's Brett, can I come in?"

With a click, Eddy's bedroom door is unlocked and opened to reveal a very cross Eddy who snapped at Brett.

"FFS, how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to say who you are, I know your voice, Brett. The closed door makes no difference to me!"

"Um, yeah, of course, I know you do..."

Eddy huffed then stepped back. Brett closed the door behind him and reached out to Eddy's cheek. Eddy flinched but quickly surrendered, as Brett moved in closer and gently guided Eddy's head into the crook of his neck, Eddy's favourite spot.

"Brett, this is uncomfortable. I wanna lie down."

"Okay, Eddy."

"So what's happened between you and your mum? She's looked crushed."

"She still thinks I'm like 6 or something."

"Heck, so does my mum. What's new?"

"I bet your mum wouldn't ever ask you whether you've worked out what my intentions are."


Brett was tempted to lift up his head from the bed to face Eddy but instead, he gently stroked the side of Eddy's face.

"Eddy, I don't understand the question."

"Mum wants to know what your intentions are."

"Um.. okay..? Meaning ..?"

"She wants to know whether you are willing to be responsible and take care of me or if you are just stringing me along."

"WTF ??"

"For the record, I don't need anyone to be responsible for me!"

"Yes, because you are Mr Independent, I know that."

"In fact, for the record, I would've much preferred to be strung along by you than have you responsible for me!!"

"Hey Eddy, it's me.."

"I know it's you, goddamnit !"

"OMG, I know you know it's me. Will you calm down, please? Eddy, it's just what seeing people say, just like that hey it's me from outside the door. I know they're your pet peeves and I'm sorry I keep saying them. You're right. Come to think of it, it does sound so stupid. I actually love the way that you can tell it's me from the other side of the door."

"...You always said it as if it was some kind of super-power of mine."

"Yeah you and your hearing, perfect-pitch, and your ..night-vision. "

Brett felt Eddy's soft giggle tickle his neck and let out a sigh of relief.

"...Eddy, your mum asking if I'd take care of you..."


"What's so wrong with that? I love taking care of you, just like you take care of me."

"That's not what she meant and you know it."

"You sure about that? Well.. we'd just have to explain it to her then. I think we should move in together."

"...What ??"

"..Let me rephrase that. Eddy, I want us to move in together."
"..Can we?"

"Of course we can. Our channel is going well, I mean, we can always work something out. I think we left it for too long just because we've been so busy with stuff, but I can see why your mum got worried."

"You do?"

"Yeah.  After all, it is her place, right? I feel it's time we get our own place so that we don't have to sneak around and wait for opportunities to, ...you know. Besides, I just had an awkward moment with her downstairs.  I think she already knows what we've been up to in here."
"Oh sh*t."

"So we'll go and talk to her, then to my mum, together, yeah?"

"..Okay, Brett."

"And I want to say to your mum that yes I do want to take care of you."

"And I also want you to tell my mum that you want to take care of me."

Eddy finally smiled.

"Sure thing, Brett."

A/N: Thank you for reading my stories. This is the second last chapter of this book. The next chapter is the last.

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