Chapter 1 - The drop-off

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It was the first Founding Day ever since I, Jesse, defeated Romeo at the terminal. I had just finished my keynote address and everyone was enjoying the festivities of Founding Day. I was also enjoying myself, talking to citizens about what they thought of different booths that had been set up for today. Of course, as anything goes for a Hero-In-Residence, there were a few problems that I needed to fix. Besides that, it was going remarkably well!

The sun began to set and the sky faded to the orange tint it becomes near nightfall. The Founding Day festivities were dying down, and everyone was either going home or talking in the town center. It was calm for the first time in what felt like forever. I wanted to soak it all up, but I couldn't. Knowing my past, I could tell that something bad was coming. I told myself that I'd deal with it when it came, so I enjoyed the peace for however long it was set to last.

All of a sudden, the gates of Beacontown screeched open. Those of us who were outside covered our ears. The sound was awful. It had never done this before, so I thought that it would have to be replaced again. That's more money down the drain, ugh.

 When the screeching came to a halt, we all gathered close to the gate. The people who stood at the gate were those scavengers from The Oasis. One of them seemed to be holding what looked like another person by their hair. I was rather far back, so I couldn't make out exactly what they were holding. The one holding what I believed to be a person looked me dead in the eyes.

"Jesse! That's your name, right? I don't care," They began, stepping closer to me. As they grew closer, I could tell that they were dragging a person behind them. People who were closer to the gates gasped as the scavenger passed.

"What do you want?" I said nervously.

"While we're always happy to take whatever junk people leave behind, you should learn to pick up your GARBAGE!" They said, throwing the person they were dragging in front of me. I backed up as the limp body skidded across the pavement. The person grunted in pain. They were covered head to toe in bruises, but I could still tell who it was.

It was Romeo. He was clearly in pain, and I needed to help him; but the moment I stepped closer to him to offer some kind of support, a known townsperson shouted at me.

"Jesse, don't touch him!" Stampy yelled fearfully. The townspeople began yelling absurd things at me and Romeo, causing Romeo to put his bruised and bloody hands over his ears.

"Everyone, will you please-" I tried to say, "Guys please calm-" I tried again. They wouldn't listen.

"Everybody SHUT UP!" I said, immediately covering my mouth. I didn't mean to lash out.

The townspeople backed away. I stood.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out like that, but you have to understand: Romeo is human just like us. He's clearly in pain, so I'm going to help him," I said, "You can go home if your afraid, just don't scream at me for helping someone who clearly can't help themselves."

The townspeople cleared. I got back down to help Romeo. I slide my hands under his head and knees, lifting him. He was rather heavy for his height, but that didn't matter.

When I lifted him up, he tensed. 

"Sorry Romeo, I know that it hurts, but it'll only last a bit longer until I can get you somewhere safer than the streets," I said. He tried to say something but gave up.

I carried him to my home and laid him down on a spare bed I had. My house is fairly large since I'm the Hero-In-Residence, so I have a few guest bedrooms.

When I laid his bruised and battered body, he sighed in discomfort. Concerned, I felt the need to ask him questions.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. Romeo tried to prop himself up with his elbows, but I pushed him back down.

"Yeah, at least as much as I can be," Romeo muttered. I nodded, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Well that's good to hear," I stated.

"Jesse, it hurts to move," Romeo said, tears welling in his eyes.

"Goodness, what did they do to you?" I said, worried.

Romeo explained what happened. It was too graphic to even think about. I felt so terrible. When he was finished, he wiped away his tears and sighed.

"I guess that's what I get for being an Admin," Romeo said. I shook my head.

"Romeo, no matter what you've done, NO ONE deserves that. Not even you," I said, pulling hair away from his face. He looked at me and smiled.

"Jesse, could I be alone for a minute? I just... need time to think," Romeo said. I nodded, standing up. I walked out of the room and shut the door.


"Hey Radar," I said, tapping the skinny, darker-skinned young man in front of me. He whipped around and adjusted his glasses.

"Oh! Hey Jesse! I was just looking for you! With all the commotion from yesterday evening, I wanted to see if you were okay," Radar said, a bit frantic.

"Yeah, about that," I began, motioning Radar to follow me back to my home, "I don't know if you heard, but someone was left here after those scavengers came. Since you have a better understanding of first aid, I thought maybe you could help them?"

"Of course!" Radar exclaimed, " Though I did hear from a few people that it was The Admin-"

"Romeo. His name is Romeo," I said cutting him off.

"Right. I forgot. So is it him?" Radar asked. I nodded. Radar gasped, "Jesse why would you help him!? After all he's done!"

"Come on Radar," I said, "Don't be like that."

"Ugh, fine," Radar groaned, "but don't say I didn't warn you if I'm nothing but inventory after going in there!"

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