Chapter 6 - Another Threat to Beacontown

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After that evening on the bridge, I kept feeling like something was off. I assumed it was that Romeo finally opened up to me, but I could tell it was more. I even asked Romeo if he felt the same way, and he agreed.

"Yeah, I've felt like there's something... off. Like there's something wrong, something that's out of place," Romeo said. I nodded.

"I agree. Something feels-" I said, cut off by a loud bang.

Romeo gasped, almost falling off his chair. I jokingly rolled my eyes at him and helped him up.

"I guess our answer came to us," I quipped. Romeo laughed nervously.

When we ran outside, there was a hole blown right into the middle of the town. Right where... the beacons were!

A figure hovered in the air, just above the crater. They lowered into it and picked up the nether star from the Witherstorm. They laughed.

"No!" Romeo yelled, running to the crater. I followed him.

There stood a woman, the nether star hovering in her hand. Her skin was a light blue color with teal freckles. Her hair was magenta, cascading down her back in loose coils. Her eyes were white with teal scleras. She wore a long, dark turquoise coat with magenta accents. Netherite shoulder pads sat on top of, well, her shoulders. The woman had knee-high heeled black boots. She looked like...

"Another admin?" I asked aloud.

"Oh, hello!" The woman said in a cheery tone. She fixed her gaze on Romeo.

"And... there's you...!" She said, rather shocked. She hovered above the crater, meeting eyes with Romeo. I noticed that her feet met at his knees.

Romeo looked down at his feet. The woman snapped in his face with her magenta claws.

"Romeo, look at me. What happened," The woman said.

"Um, well Jesse-" Romeo said, being cut off. The woman snapped her head towards me.

"You," She yelled,  "You! How could you do this to him!? Strip him of everything he had, you absolute monster! And to think he chose you to be his champion."

"Wait what?" I exclaimed.

"I'm restoring his admin powers, and you will not be stopping me," The woman said, raising Romeo into the air. She hovered across from him.

The world changed dark. Townpeople screamed. Romeo looked to me for help, but I didn't know what to do. I couldn't help him, he was almost one-hundred feet in the air!

The woman created a glowing orb in her hands. Once it was about the size of her head, she threw it at Romeo. He screamed and dropped to the ground. I ran to his aid, terrified.

"Romeo! Oh my god, are you okay!?" I exclaimed. Romeo sighed shakily.

"I- I don't think I am," Romeo stuttered. There was a tone in his voice that wasn't quite human.

As he got up, I saw what was wrong. His skin was, once again, dark grey. His eyes were yellow with red scleras. He was quite literally glowing. Romeo's clothes hadn't changed, oddly enough. My eyes widened.

"What is it? Is something wrong, Jesse?" Romeo said, panicked.

"You're... you're-" I said, cutting myself off and just grabbing his wrist. I pulled it to his uncovered eye.

"No," Romeo whispered. He stood up, panicked. He began hurriedly removing the bandages, revealing red, glowing scars. When he removed the bandage over his eye, his eye appeared to be stricken through. There was just a red glow now.

"Enjoy!" The woman from above said, disappearing. Romeo growled and hovered slightly above the ground.

Red sparks flew around his fists and arms. I tried to grab him to calm him down, but I got shocked. I fell back from it, which Romeo noticed. He lowered to the ground.

"Jesse, are you okay? I didn't mean-" Romeo frantically sputtered.

"I'm fine," I said, getting up, "Not to ask too much, but could you fix...this?"

I pointed up at the night sky. Romeo nodded and clapped his hands together, returning the bright, blue sky. He smiled down at his hands.

"I really hoped I wouldn't have to be associated with Admins, but I guess this could be a good thing now? Since I'm not gonna try and hurt anyone," Romeo muttered.

I nodded. A few townspeople gathered around, terrified. Romeo panicked. I grabbed his arm and made a gesture with my hand to 'calm down'. He nodded and took a deep breath.

"Jesse, what just happened?" A townsperson asked.

"Is that the admin!?" Another screamed. Worried whispers ran throughout the crowd. Romeo sighed.

"Yes, I'm The Admin. I'm gonna hurt anyone this time, but please, for the love of God, don't call me The Admin. Just call me...Romeo," he said, addressing the crowd.

The huddled townspeople whispered amongst themselves. Romeo started breathing heavily. All of a sudden, he was gone. There was nothing but glowing, purple particles, similar to an enderman. The crows dispersed in a panic. I ran back home, knowing he was either there or outside of town.

Surely enough, he was in his room, sobbing.

His sobs sounded odd with the almost robotic sound of his voice, but now was not the time to shame him. His knees were pulled tight to his chest,  his face buried in between them. I pushed the door further open and Romeo looked up a bit.

"What do you want," Romeo said, still crying.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, bud. You really scared everyone out there, including me. I completely understand why you're upset, but please don't do that again," I said, doing my best to comfort him, despite him refusing any contact.

"Okay, I won't. But please go away, I need space," Romeo said. I stood up. Romeo snapped his fingers and I was teleported out of the room and a few feet outside his door. It slammed shut behind me.

I could hear Romeo sobbing, but I left him alone. I went to my room and laid across the bed. Even from here, I could still hear Romeo. I felt bad. I needed to do something for him, but what? Leaving him alone was already being done, but something more?

I made a decision: I'm going to find some with proper training who can help him. Like...

A therapist.

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