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Pain is temporary. That's what her mother would say. You could grieve, cry, and hurt all day long, but sooner or later, the pain would subside. It would block your eyesight and make you blind to the good around you. It would make you feel worthless, helpless, and depressed.

That was what Hermione Granger was. Depressed.

She couldn't really believe herself, not quite. Hermione Granger- head girl, perfect student, compassionate feminist, and anti-Voldemort; depressed because her boyfriend cheated. Why was she sad? Why was she not fine? She wanted to be fine. She said she was fine everywhere she went. She wanted to feel like it. She knew he didn't deserve her. What he did had been pathetic. She deserved someone better, someone, who wouldn't go behind her back. Then why did her heart clench when she saw photos of Ron and her on a beach? Why did she feel like crying all the time? Why couldn't she be okay?

But Hermione had gotten used to this. She tried to block out her feelings as much as possible. If she just kept a blank face, a nonchalant facade, she could survive.

At least, she thought she could.




Draco wasn't a fan of stupid heroes and heroines.

He didn't understand why people could be so daft. The last thing he wanted to do was to go to a school full of stupid Gryffindors, who'd sacrificed, been brave, and blah, blah, blah. He would be shunned away, because of his parentage. Because of his house. Hogwarts had always been a madhouse. 

But he loved the place.

It was his second home. He loved Hogwart's grounds, the castle's, the food, the feast-- thinking about this made him unusually nostalgic. 

But other than that, it was also his only chance of living. Even if it was a life of secrecy that he faced ahead, it was better than dying at the hands of a death eater. 

He sighed and stood up straight. He put on his arrogant, cocky, and superior facade. He put on a sneer worthy of the Malfoy family and hoped that he would survive.

At least, he thought he could.




an//: heyy. so its been a long time since i posted in my other stories. i know. I'm a terrible author, but I've hit a sort of block. i thought that starting with a new story would help me clear my mind and start afresh. kinda stupid logic, but hey, i've got my exams going on, what do you expect? anyways, this is just the prologue. i may not be very consistent during this month, but i promise you that from febuary, i'll give bonus posts to make up for it. i would make the unbreakable vow, but corona and shit, soooooo. lol. 

and if you're kinda confused about what the heck is happening, don't worry. it'll unravel itself as you read. *wink*

have a good day, take care, practice social distancing, wear a mask when you go out, and be happy <3. until next time, your inconsistent prick of an author,


P.S. the war is over in this fanfic.

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