Chapter 13

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Fangs sunk deep into flesh like roots,

Own tail bitten, blood for poison elutes.

Following the intel I obtained, I paradoxically scaled down my late night operations a bit. One may have questioned why? I finally obtained a lead as to how I can save Rosy, so I should have been rushing relentlessly to the Palliser Mining building. Indeed, once I was done with Julia I did initially do just that, swiftly jogging through the back alleys and small streets of Palliser to stealthily make my way to Nelson Street. But as I ran I thought more critically about the situation. Weld was meeting someone in the building. But it was a big building, who was he meeting? Crashing through the front door and shaking down anyone I come across wouldn't be sensible, I was sure many legitimate innocent employees are in the company without anything to do with this. Not to mention the police station was only a block away in eye sight of the building, I'd get caught pretty quickly if I took no precautions. I didn't even know the first thing about security systems, they presumably had guards patrolling, security cameras and maybe key card locked doors... basically I had homework to do. A true hero wouldn't back down from adversity with the guidance of their patrons, but simultaneously there was no requirement to be stupid about it. To be sure, my overseer the lame craftsman was all about paying meticulous detail to the weapons he made for his contemporaries, and if I were to be his hero I best emulate his example. Up until now I had just walked the streets until I stumbled on something that warranted my attention but if I were to pursue this lead, I better launch with stealth rather than a siege.

And so that was the state of affairs, instead of my normal aggressive tactics, I hit the books. I used google maps and walked the streets in plain clothing to scout out the building and area, identifying routes in and out if I had to make a quick escape. I tried to figure out what the security would consist of and how to deal with any guards that might be patrolling, as well as how they'd be equipped. I also took this opportunity to catch up on school work that I had been otherwise neglecting, assignments and essays had begun to stack up due to my shifted focus of late. When I launched my operation I wanted to make sure it was fool proof, and I'd have no distractions.

'Hey Aster, what's been up with you lately?' Chris asked me while I was fetching snacks in-between strategising. 'I noticed you have been shut in your room a lot lately, and barely going out at night.'

I had avoided Chris the best I could for the last week or so since I learned of his betrayal. For me it was easy to do by just not leaving my room when I knew he was around, alas it was impossible to avoid him completely if he was after me.

'What do you care?' I shrugged him off. 'I'm figuring it out by myself.'

'So you are still at it then?' He asked enthusiastically. 'And you even have a plan up your sleeve? I was worried you had given up after what happened.'

The idea I would give up so easily rubbed me the wrong way, but I had to give the piece of shit some credit on putting a picture together from so little information. But his keen insight still changed nothing to me.

'You just here to insult me then?' I asked refusing to face him.

'No of course not Aster...' He lamented behind me. 'I really am sorry about how all this turned out, I thought I was doing what was best for you but I was wrong, okay. I get that. But it is dangerous to go alone, even superheroes have their supporters. Batman had Jeeves. Let me help you, I can look over your plan and see if you missed anything.'

While I made myself a hot chocolate I felt my heart soften to his plea, his words felt genuine and intent noble. But then I remembered as I previously had idolised and listened to him, he had been maintaining a lie the whole time. As much as I wanted to return to the Chris who always gave solid advice, that I went out drinking with and cherished, his image was forever tainted. The innocent days of the past were gone now and I was wiser for it. I was no longer Aster Greyson the Classics nerd, by divine providence I had become a hero: Snapper the Calcium Forger of Palliser. Mortal wisdom was fallible and deceptive, only the Gods could direct my path for me now.

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