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     "I love you, Amicus."

The wolven emperor sat on his throne, the words of his distant lover repeating in his mind. Amicus recalled their last embrace, warm, but filled with painful silence. Mere moments later, the dark shapes of Earth were slowly falling away, illuminated by the humans' cities. He looked at the shrinking light of Rome one last time as his ship was whisked away, leaving half of his heart left behind.

 Amicus' daydream was interrupted as he arrived at the palace's Nexus. Closing his eyes, he stepped in, his mind melding with the glowing sphere. He arrived in the same barren plane as before, freckled with stars. As he looked around, the booming voices of the Parents spoke. "The Human has begun his mission. Earth will soon enter the Galaxias." Sensing his hesitance, they answered his question before it was asked. "You need not fear. The Human is safe, and will return to you as he was before. You are on the right path."

Amicus pondered on his throne, alone in the vast, dim room. He looked up to the stars, finding the constellations of Lupus and Uva. His eyes swept around the cosmos, pausing when he found Sol. The star that his lover called home. The planet his human was on right now. So, so distant. Amicus sighed, frowning as he tried to distract himself by recalling the names that the humans gave their planets. "Mercury, Venus...Earth...Mars, Saturn..." He froze, remembering that Saturn was the sixth planet, not the fifth, with beautiful gossamer rings around its cloudy yellow body. "Rings..." He looked down at the metal band around his finger, remembering the one he gave to his lover months ago. Had it really been so long since they were on the island?

With bittersweet tears pooling in his eyes, he whispered.

"I love you too."

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