Chapter 3

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Hiroshi came back to the mansion after his meeting with Chief Beifong. He walked into the house to find Asami in the living room watching T.V, he walked up to the couch and sat next to Asami.

"hey sweet heart, how's your day going?" he asked to start a conversation

she looked up at him "it's okay, not the greatest, but oh well I got to sleep in" she chuckled, and he laughed

"sorry you couldn't go to school today, maybe you can have your friends come over today" he said with a smile

"maybe I should have them come over, how did things go with Lin?" she asked wondering how the meet with the Chef go.

"it went good, we came up with a plan where you're still able to continue attending school but it's not confirmed yet, she'll contact me later today with an answer so don't get excited just yet" he said and got up off the couch

"care on filling me in on the plan" Asami looked up at him

"not until it's confirmed, I got paper work to do and I have to attend a meeting at 5" he said walking away

"okay I'll have Opal and the guys come by around 6" she said even though she knew he didn't hear her

when the clock hit 3:35 Hiroshi recieved a call from the house phone

"hello?" he answered

"Hiroshi, its lin" the caller replied

"oh, hey chief, any new?" he asked

"I was able to contact Korra's parents and mentors, I also was able to talk to her as well" lin informed the man

"thats great what did they say?" he asked impatiently

"they agreed on helping us, it well take 2 days for her arrival, so they sent her out today, she'll be here saturday in the afternoon and well stay as long as she has to, untill we stop the men and when Asami is safe" Lin sighed in relief and contiued "we enrolled korra into Repulic City High, she has every class with Asami"

"That's great I'll let Asami know she can go back to school starting monday" he said with excitment and with that they hung up the call. Hiroshi looked up at the clock on the wall '3:56 I better go tell Asami the good news then head out to the meeting' he thought as he walked out the room

"It's confirmed, you can start school again monday" he told his daughter

"REALLY, whats the plan?" Asami asked in a rush

"well I got you a bodygaurd for the time being, they well attend school with you and come back home with you, and don't worry it's not a 28 year old man, her name's Korra she's 16 almost 17, she's a waterbender from the southern water tribe, she's the most powerful waterbender. she well be staying with us till the men are taken care of and when you're safe" Hiroshi sai with excitment

"wow, thats not such a bad idea, when does she here?" Asami asked

"Saturday around the afternoon" Hiroshi said and continue "Anyways I must leave if I want to make on time for the meeting" he said giving Asami a kiss on her head and left

2 hours after Hiroshi left, Asami' friends came over and Asami updated them on the plan.

"wait, so a random girl will be with you 24/7? she cute?" Mako asked with a smirk

"I don't know, jeez you're a perv" Asami rolled her eyes

"wait does that mean she'll be in all the same classes as us" Opal asked

"yup, every single one, she has to act like the new girl in school and we added her to our squad, no one and I mean NO ONE can know" Asami warned

"is she single?"

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