Chapter 6 - The Morning After

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I wake up in my bed, with my dress still on, and a nasty, pounding headache. I decide to quickly take a shower and then do some light makeup so I don't look dead and put this on:

I still had the pounding headache, so I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and get some medicine to hopefully help me feel better

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I still had the pounding headache, so I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and get some medicine to hopefully help me feel better. I walk out of my room, down the hall and make my way downstairs. I go to the dining room, to see my father, mother, Lukas, Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, And Draco. I had forgotten they had all spent the night. I walk in, smile, say "good morning", and sit by my mother on my left, Narcissa on my right, and Draco across from me. My mother then says, "Are you feeling better dear? I went to check up on you last night after the party and you were out like a light." "I'm doing alright, I have a nasty headache, but that's about all. How long did the party go to anyways?" "Well the party went until around 1am, but you didn't miss anything, dear." my father says. "Honestly I don't even remember anything after my fourth glass." "Well, you had seven glasses of Firewhiskey, you giggled for about 2 hours straight, then Adrian and I tried to help you to your room, but I ended up carrying you up there." Draco says with a chuckle. "Wait, I really had seven glasses of Firewhiskey?" I ask, nearly spitting out my water. "Yeah" Luke says with a chuckle. "It was quite entertaining watching you drunk, you know!" Draco exclaims.

After we finished eating, my mother got me some medicine to help with the headache. After a bit it started working and relief was finally here. I go to the library to read, and then, suddenly the door opens to reveal my father. "Hey, Y/N, dear can I talk with you in my study?" He asks. "Of course." I say sweetly with a smile. I then stand up and follow him to his study.

When we get there there are already people inside, my mother, and the Malfoys, my father then gestures for me to sit down next to Draco, so I sit down and cross one leg over the other. "So, Y/N we all need to have a talk, everyone else here already knows, but you, it's now time we tell you. So, we didn't move here for no reason, sweetheart. You see, the week you were born, Lucius and I made a deal." My father starts. Mr. Malfoy then says, "More like an... arrangement" I glance over at Draco confused, and look back at our fathers. My father speaks next, "We made a contract, that we are bound to, we made an Unbreakable Vow even. Our two families, two of the most classiest pureblood families, decided that we must keep the Witch and Wizard blood pure. To not let it become tainted with scum, we made an arrangement for you and Draco to be married." "What?!" I blurt "It's true, Y/N." Draco says, now looking towards me. "We have to get married. We have to be engaged by the start of the school year."

"You guys had planned an arranged marriage from the time I was only a week old?" "Yes, dear." Mrs. Malfoy answered sadly. "Why do we have to be engaged that soon, I'm only fourteen for merlins sake!" I ask enraged. I now stand up waiting for an answer but all I get is silence. "Just tell me! For Merlin's Sake!" Mrs. Malfoy comes and walks over slowly to me, gives me hug and I accept it. She then whispers softly in my ear, "One of the agreements is that you have to bear an heir before your 15th birthday." I pull away from the hug, a tear already coming down my cheek, and run out of the study. Tears are spilling from my eyes at compelling speeds, My eyes are blurry, and I don't know where I'm going, but I soon find myself outside. I examine where I am some more and realise I'm in the storage room that is part of the Quidditch Pitch, where we keep our brooms, and the balls. 

I sit in the back of the room sobbing, thinking, thinking about everything. How I will have to be engaged to Draco in a month and a half's time. Thinking about how I with have to bear Draco a child. How I will be married to him for the rest of my life. I will be his wife, and he shall be my husband. I am only 14, sure it would be different if I was an adult. I will be having a child before I am even 15. I just keep sobbing, letting it all out. I get exhausted from crying so much, so I just lay down in the supply closet, not wanting to go inside and have to face everybody.

When I wake up, I'm super disoriented until I remember everything that happened. It is dark and cold, so I finally give up and decide to go inside. I have no idea of what time it is so I have no clue if anybody is even up. I slowly walk up the sidewalk leading from the Qudditch pitch to the house. Once I make it outside the doors, I take a deep breath and then slowly open the door. I don't see anyone, being that I came in the back entrance, but I do see a clock, it says 10:30pm that means I was gone for about 12 hours. I keep walking, until I see the doors that lead into the main corridors, where no-doubt everyone would be. I take another deep breath, this one very shakily, then slowly open the door. I see The Malfoy's sitting in the living room with my parents as my brother paces back and forth, none of them seeing me. Not until my brother looks up from his pacing and sees me! His face lights up and runs towards me. 

"Y/N!" when Lukas said that everyone looked over to see me and looked relieved. Luke gives me a big bear hug and doesn't let go. He then whispers to me, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? You were gone for 12 hours! Where were you? You're Probably starving! They told me everything! I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. But you will get through this and I will help you along the way. I will always be here for you! I love you so much!" I wait a few seconds before whispering back, "I'm fine, I was in the Quidditch storage room, I must have fallen asleep after crying, it was all a blur I woke up maybe 5-10 minutes ago I slept for the whole day I guess." I then move away from the hug and look over to where everyone else is and I look back at Luke who then gets the hint that I want him to tell them what happened. Luke then says, "Y/N's not hurt she's just a little shaken up still, she passed out in the Quidditch storage room, exhausted from crying so much, then she came here. Also, we might want to get her a blanket because she is freezing cold." I finally make eye contact with everyone, and then my mother comes over to me, and engulfs me in a nice warm hug.

She then lets go and goes to grab me a blanket and some warm tea. My brother leads me over to the couch and sits me down in between him and Draco. My mother comes walking in with a very warm blanket, and some tea. She gives the mug of tea to Luke to hold while she wraps me in the warm blanket, and then hands me the tea. I sip the tea, it is so warm, and tastes so good. 

I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything, I eventually start to get tired so I say, "I'm going to go to bed" and then I stand up, and Draco stands up as well and says, "I'll walk you there." You two walk in silence, a good silence not an awkward one, until you get to your door and Draco suddenly hugs you and you hug him back of course. Draco then whispers, "I'm sorry that you have to do all of this with the arrangement and having to bear a child. It's not fair to you, we're so young." I then softly say, "It's not your fault, it's our parents' faults they're the ones who made the arrangement. It will all work out in the end, though, Goodnight." "Goodnight" Draco says. I then go into my room, put some pajamas on and then once my head hits the pillow, I fall into a deep sleep.

Author's Note

This chapter had a bit of drama going on, but this was fairly hard to write because of all the feelings going on. But I love writing, and even if nobody even sees this, I still get joy from writing this story. Thank you so much to everyone who are voting and reading this story.


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