You are A Regalia

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~~~Your POV~~~

Where am I? Why can I not see anything? I hear people, "SEKKI!":Smells nice." What? Wait, I remember something like this now, hmmmm... "YUKINE! Where did you go you brat!?!? UGH!!! DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DIE!?!?! Oh, Good!!!! You with nowhere to go and nowhere to return, I grant you a place to belong. My name is Yato."Hah?!?!

Huh??? I recognize that name! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!

"Bearing a posthumous name, you shall remain here. With this name, I make thee my servant. With this name and my alternate, I use my life to make thee a Regalia! Thou art (Your name)! As a Regalia Sokko! Come Sokko!"

Now I feel sweat, and it is not mine! EWWWW!!!! But, I am inside this white room thingie with little glass shards, I think... I feel like I am cutting something, the dude named Yato is doing some sort of chant thingie. WHAT IS HE DOING! I can see stuff though, I am a sword??? AWESOME!!!!!! I think the monster thingie is dead, so cool! The monster thing just died leaving no mess anywhere!!!

"SEKKI!! YUKINE!! WHERE ARE YOU!" This guy is too loud, and getting very obnoxious. "I am over here!" You threw me you baka!" Ha! I like this kid already! He thinks that this kid is a brat! No wonder this kid is acting like one, the "Yato" jersey guy is so annoying! "OI! I am not a baka! AND WHY DID YOU NOT COME WHEN I YELLED FOR YOU!!!" "Because you threw way too far!!!" "OI!!!! SHUT UP!!!" "OI!! YOU SHUT UP!!!!" "THAT IS NOT A WAY TO TALK TO YOUR MASTER!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!" "Ne, Yato?" "Eh?" "Yato, did you get a new regalia?" "Eto... OH YEAH!!!! I FORGOT!!!!" Eh!!! he brought me here and forgot! That baka!!!! The blonde smirks at the jersey guy, jersey guy gets mad, then yells, "(y/n)"

Huh? What is going on! HEY! Wait, I am on the ground. Do these people see me? Most people end up not seeing me, soo... What am I wearing!! What????? "ummmm...." I say, "Can I get some clothes, I tink I am gonna get a cold with this white robey-thingie on. Just saying." 

They both look at me, then get onto the same page, I guess they were thinking or something? Yato says that he would get Hiyori to give me some of her clothes, who is Hiyori? I see the blonde kid. He just blushes, then jersey guy yells, "YUKINE YOU PERV!! I JUST GOT STUNG! YOU BETTER NOT BLIGHT ME AGAIN!!!!!!" The blonde yells back, "huh? I WASN'T DOING ANYTHING! I ALREADY LEARNED MY LESSON! Heesh..." The jersey guy smiles, "Yeah, sure Yukine, whatever you say..." The blonde looks at the jersey god and he starts to turn even more red, and then he starts to yell at the jersey guy. Then I interupt, "Helloooooo????? I am kinda freezing, not to be a brat and all, but it is winter ya know."

They all look at me and immediately start apologizing. "gomen! Gomenesai! (etc...)" "It's fine, but I do want to get warm..." Hiyori look at you, then her face lightens up. "OH!!! I am Hiyori by the way! And you guys can come to my house! My brother is still somewhere, so Yato and Yukine can sleep in there, and me and (Y/N) can sleep in my room, hai?" I say "Hai!", so does the blond, then he says, "I am Yukine!" "Nice to meet you" you say. The jersey guy thinks, then says, "Hai, and I am Yato." I look at him, "You seem familiar..." He thinks, then nods, "I do think I know you..." Hiyori and Yukine look at me shocked. 

~~~Time Skip by the Tardis! YAY!!!!!! Hurry up Doctor!!!!~~~

When we get to Hiyori's house, she gives me some clothes and pajamas, she also says, "You can go take a bath, k?" You nod, she gives me a towel, "Everything else you need should be in there." "Arigato" You reply, you are taking a bath now and thinking how life will turn out. Then you get a huge headache, Hiyori just so happens to be nearby talking to Yukine and Yato. You scream because your head hurts. Hiyori says, :"I am going to check on her, you guys stay here.

        When she came in, she saw you clutching your head, she helps you out and put your pajamas on. When she takes you outside, Yato looks at you, and asks what wrog. You say that your head hurts, he tells you, "Ah! You are remembering your past, you are a very unusual regalia, you know that right?" Everyone looks at you while you look at Yato, then you black out.

~~~Yato's POV~~~

I hope she remembers, and that it is not painful, she is a very important person...

Yukine x Reader NoragamiWhere stories live. Discover now