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~~~Your POV~~~

       " (Y-Y/N)-CHAN!?!?!?!?!?"  You gave her one of your crooked smiles, "Oh, one second Kofuku. Hiyori, so your soul likes to slip out huh? I know how to get rid of that problem, but Yatti doesn't" Yato yells at you, "I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT (Y/N)!!!!!!!" You stick your tongue at him, "I KNOW!!! That's why I did it baka! Oh, and Hey Kofu-chan!" Kofuku looks at you dumbfounded, then faints. "Eto..." Yukine says. Hiyori then jumps onto you, "PLEASE HELP ME (Y/N)-CHAN!!!!!!!" You look at her, then Yato, you sigh. "Well, I would like to talk to you alone then." Hiyori nods, you ask the everyone else to leave, and they do. 

        "Ok, Hiyori? You know stuff like that also has a consequence, right?" She looks at you, then asks, "What's the consequence?" You tell her, "It is to cut all of your ties with all of us, you will never remember us." She looks at you, then starts crying, "Do you want that?" you asks her. She shakes her head no, and says, "N-no... I-i'll be f-fine I g-guess...." You say to her, "Here, I am going to get fresh air, how about you sit here and think for a bit, k?" She nods.

        When you get outside, you hear, "Smells nice..." You know this all too well. You would use your regalia, but then you remember that you do not have one, and that you are a regalia. So you start running, but the phantom picks you up and looks confused. You know it's confused because you are a phantom god person thing. It shrugs it off, the starts carrying you somewhere else. You yell, but no one can here you. Then you see Hiyori yelling your name, then Yato, Yukine, Daikoku, and Natalia all come out, then see you. You get blighted and flinch, then, everything turns black.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by England's Scones~~~

        When you come to, you see a girl with black hair. You recognise her and grit your teeth then say, "Nora." She says, "Hello (Y/N)! I haven't seen you since you died!" You look at her then say in your head, 'That's because you killed me'. Nora continues, "So, you are Yato's Regalia?(You stiffly nod) Oh! Well who knew you would be a regalia! Well, I have a mission for you. I need you to betray Yato and come to us." You look at her confused, "Us?" Then you black out again.

~~~Another Time Skip Brought to you by America's Hamburgers~~~

        You wake up again, and notice that you are at a school. You see Hiyori, but she is on the ground. That is when you notice that her soul is somewhere else right now. You sigh, and the leave the school. You make it to Kofuku's house, and sees everybody still freaking out that you disappeared. Yato is too busy freaking out about you that he did not hear your thoughts about scaring them. So you enter the house, then yell boo while jumping onto them. They all scream, then start rejoicing that you are back.  Everyone asks what happened and you told them But first you said 'Nora' and Yato understood right away and asked, "She wants you to betray me, doesn't she." You nod, "But like I would ever do that Yati!(He flinches at the nickname) You are just such a weirdo!" You keep teasing them, then you notice that Kofuku was just staring at you the whole time. But, then you remembered about your blight, you say, "Ne, Yato? Could you get me some Holy Water?" He looks at you, you show him your leg, then he nods. But, Kofuku gets to it first, "Natalia, get me some Holy Water." Kofuku says, Natalia gives you the Holy Water. You rid yourself of blight.

        She comes up to you, then hugs you as tight as she can, "K-k-k-k-k-k-ofu-k-k-k-ku... I-i c-c-c-cannnnnnooott b-b—breathe..." She mutters sorry then lets go, that is when you notice she is crying. Yukine looks at you thinking, 'No wonder they are sisters, they look a bit alike, and act a bit alike... Though (Y/N) is more mature, but more kiddish at the same time.' OH! By the way, you can read minds. Then Kofuku started to ask you many questions, "Ne, (Y/N), what's gonna happen? Will you be able to have your own regalia?..." And so much more you begin to zone out. Then you guys start discussing stuff, and you see Yato falling asleep. You ask Natalia for a paper, she gives one to you. You roll up a piece of paper, everyone looks at you confused, then you wack Yato across the head, "OI! YATO! Now is NOT the time to sleep, this DOES involve you too!Do NOT even say it doesn't! Because it does, heesh. I swear you haven't changed at all-Wait... I lied you have." 

        Yukine and Hiyori look at you, "He has?" the both asked, you nod. Then you say, "He used to be, well... scary. BUT STILL ADOWABLE WITTLE YATI!!!!!!" Yato looks at you in horror, while Hiyori and Yukine look at you in shock to say that Yato used to be scary. "Ah, I need to go see my fether."  Then Daikoku, Kofuku, and Yato look at you. "NANI????? ARE YOU SURE?????" At the same time, the regalias, except for you, and Hiyori look at all of you guys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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