Sweet but Psycho

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The squelching and slicing echoed through the dark alley. Boxes and dumpsters clatters, in a sign of struggle.
Harsh thunks of something soft hitting the concrete wall. A scream of a woman followed by a thud, sounding like a body that fell limp onto the ground.

The serial killer struck again.

The young psychopath stalks over the bodies of a once living being. Lifelessness and pure horror were plastered on their faces as they took their final breath. He smiled at the scene that screamed bloody murder. Holding his knife in one hand, flipping and tossing it as though it was a job well done. His smile instantly fades when he hears a voice, A voice of a child.

He followed the childs cry near the entrance of the alley.
He peered from the corner to observe who was the source.
A young boy thats about 10 or nine was standing there. Wearing a white and colorful sweater with brown trousers.
And seems to be wearing glasses. The psycho can see that the child was feeling a little chilly. Due to the constant rubbing of his hands on his arms. It was very uncommon to see a child walking alone this late, especially near an alley. He listens closely to the child's cry.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you? It's cold out here..."

A lost boy... how peculiar?
The Psycho thought. Looking at the boy he realized that he killed the child's parents.
He goes back to the bodies where they lay lifeless on the ground behind some dumpsters further back. He rumaged through their pockets looking for some I.Ds. He stopped when he sees a picture of a family sitting together on a park bench
Yup! Thats him, with his father and mother...

He looked through the woman's bag and saw a school I.D with the boys picture.


He read his name.

He turns back to the child, shivering and still hollerring.
The boy was now walking towards more the alley. Thinking that his parents might be there.
The killer started to stir up a plan. Becuase if the boy sees the dead bodies, he might report it to the cops. Then he began to silently move garbage bags over the bodies and dumping expired food on them to hide the stench.
He quickly dusted his gloves clean, straightens his coat and begins to walk towards the boy in a calm manner to look innocent.

" Colin? Is that you?, what are you doing here?"

The boy looks at him, confused. He takes a step back.

" w-who are you? How do you know my name?"

He walks Closer to the child, crouching at his level.

" don't be scared. I'm a friend of your fathers. We use to hang out after work. He has told me so much about you"

The boy looks at him with less fear. " o-ok, whats your name?"

" Anthony, but you can call me 'Tony' for short." He grins at the child.

" oh ok, how old are you Mr.Tony?"

" it's just Tony kid, i'm not that old yet. I'm seventeen...
How 'bout you?"

" ten!" Colin says with a little smile. But soon fades.

"Have you seen mom and dad, Tony? I can't find them anywhere"

Tony looks forwards and hisses. He looks back and places his hands on Colin's shoulder. As though he was struggling with his words.
He puts on a fake pout and says with a sad tone
"I'm sorry Colin but... they left."

He saw instant tears form up in the child's eyes and lips quivering. " b-b-but why? Where did_did they go?"
" i'm sorry but i don't know. It was somewhere very far away. I tried calling them too"

ONE SHOTS (DigitalTime) humanoid/ Human AU...Long StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now