One more time, with feelings (pt.2)

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" this is my apartment"
Colin proudly announced.
Tony looks around. It was kind of like his apartment but there were little christmas lights and fun stuff. Like plushies or stuffed toys. A computer desk near the bed, a closet opposite the bed and a small kitchen and a medium size Refridgerator.
A small dinning table in the middle of the kitchen.

" you like christmas? Because if you don't, i don't think theres any other reason" Tony chuckles. As he watches the flickering lights go dim and bright on loop.

Colin looks up from preparing the food on the table. " oh, yeah. I hang those lights up to remind me of my little cousins that come here to visit me for Christmas and because they like it. Those plushies on the bed are theirs. They leave it here so it won't be a hassle every year."

" wow.... never would've thought..." Tony murmurred the last part. Then he stops, something catches his eye.
" whats with the luggages?"

The blonde looks at him, looking at the bags he had packed." Oh, I'm going back by train to London on friday after my last test this month. I'm gonna be working in the city when i get back. Plus the flats there are affordable" he explains. Preparing his take out and places it on the table. "So i won't be staying here long..."

" oh, alright then" the blue haired male looks around for a bit more. Nothing much to see. Like what he thought; it was just like his apartment but different. Tony looks at the blondes desk and notices he has the stuff of a student that studies Computer Engineering.
A tech-boy... how fitting for him. Tony thought.

" foods ready!, take a seat Tony" Colin offered, pulling a chair for Tony and sits on his own.

" No thanks. I'm not hungry. But thank you" Tony leans on a corner of the wall. The taller man chuckles.

" you don't have to settle on that corner, Tony. Were not strangers." He says as he poured two cups of water.

" I'm good here."

" if you're not gonna eat. At least sit with me...." Colin smiles. Tony was hesitant but follows the request. He slowly walks up to the table and gently takes a seat.
" yay! He did it! Honey get the camera!" He aplaud and cheers as if Tony was a baby learning his first steps.

" shut up" Tony chuckles. But stops and lets Colin have a few munches then asks.

" you have a girlfriend?" He says with a curious tone. Colin doesn't even look up and answers.

" Girlfriend? No, not really my area"

Tony was a little suprised with his answer. He takes in the information and pauses for a bit then asks " oh, alright then....but do you have a boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way-"

Colin looks up at him and cuts him off with his answer
" i know it's fine"

Tony sighs " I'm sorry i didn't mean to"

" it's fine. i am not offended" Colin smiled reassuringly. He was alright about people talking about his relationships. And he was fine with it.
" I don't see why people think i get offended when they ask"

Tony clicked his tongue and tapped his fingers on the table. " so you've got a boyfriend?"

" no. I'm not really intrested in dating"

" but what if they said they like you and you got along pretty well?" The blue haired man questioned. Kind of relating to his own situation but he didn't reveal too much.
Colin finishes up his food and puts it in the sink before grabbing the leftovers and placing them in the fridge. He sits back and facing Tony.

" If they are the only ones in love with me. I don't do anything to get their hopes up. I'd tell them i am not intrested but them still being friends with me, will be their choice" he explains as he walks over to the closet.
" people are complicated... what size are you? The Pjs I have are pretty big. Considering i'm tall..."

ONE SHOTS (DigitalTime) humanoid/ Human AU...Long StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now