V. Excuses & encounters

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It was this reasonably warm day at the beginning of June, when Gerda woke up in the arms of her girlfriend. When she got in a long term relation she switched rooms with one of the other girls for some more privacy. She now had the room at the far end of the flat. When the bell rang, she realized that it would take her two minutes to get to the front door from where she had her bed now. She put on some sweatpants and a tee and kissed Anna softly on the forehead. Meanwhile, she heard some footsteps approaching from her old bed and then fading away. Next, she heard the voice of Bonnie, one of her flatmates, followed by this typical voice. The voice was asking for Gerda. Bonnie asked this person in and footsteps approached. Gerda stood with her ear pressed against the door to hear the voice clearly. She loved the voice. It was a slightly high, but sweet voice. Bonnie offered the voice some tea, but the voice friendly rejected and asked for Gerda again. Footsteps approached but Gerda opened the door behind the sofa. The voice turned around and look to her from beneath her hair. 'Your Royal Highness.' Gerda bowed.
'It is an honour to see you again, ma'am,' she added.
'I think I owe you an apology,' she said. 'Meanwhile, we royals do not apologize.'
'Let me put on something decent, ma'am,' Gerda said while she fled back to her room. There she sat down softly on the edge of the bed where she rested her elbows on her thighs and put her head in her hands. Anna turned around and kissed her shoulder and then looked at her, with this Disney's eyes and asked her what was wrong.  
'She has returned. To apologize,' Gerda said slowly and sadly. 
'What did you say,' Anna asked. 
'That I will put on something decent, and then I fled.'
'Good choice.' It was said mockingly. 
'Do not blame me, you know the story.' Gerda paused, then she whispered a help me. 
Anna stood up, got dressed in this really lovely red dress and while she fixed her hair she went to the living room. Leaving Gerda behind alone.  
Anna arrived in the living room and saw Diana standing there, her eyes fixed on the door behind the sofa. It was a great disappointment when Anna came through the door and not Gerda. 
'Excuse me, ma'am,' Anna bowed. 'I have to tell you that Gerda is unable to return to you. She suddenly got a horrible stomach ace.' 
'And who are you to tell me this. You seem to know the situation very well.' Diana asked directly. 
'My name is Anna Davies, a close friend of Gerda.' 
'More than a close friend,' Bonnie said it so softly that you had to stand very close to hear her saying it. Diana looked at Bonnie and then to Anna, her head shaking in disbelief. 
'That's not up to me to tell you about that, ma'am,' Anna said. 
'Well, could you tell Gerda I will be waiting for her visit-' 
Diana was interrupted by Gerda, who came quickly and with a lot of noise through the door. She had been listening to the whole conversation with her ear pressed against the door. 
'I have put on something decent, are you ready for a promenade?' Gerda reached for her jacket which could be found dangling from the sofa. She glanced over at Anna making this kiss gesture and stepped outside. Diana followed and immediately there were reporters clamouring everywhere, Diana got in a cap and gestured to Gerda to get in.  
'We will drive to Kensington Palace to have a chat, going for a promenade is too dangerous.' Diana explained. What followed was a terrible silence. 

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