Jaguar and Tracer have been together for two months now and Jaguar is now a respected member of Overwatch. Although they love each other very much, they like to challenge each other. Tracer is clearly the faster one, but Jaguar is unbeatable at climbing.
Jaguar had just won the bet to see if he could climb the Rock of Gibraltar faster than Tracer could run up it. They were both just sitting on the cliff top looking out to sea.
"Well that means a draw." said Tracer.
"You really never give up, do you?" said Jaguar.
She punched her side. "Neither do you...that's why we make such a good team."
"For the last competition, I have something special." said the mutant.
"What's that?"
"A race, on my turf." said grinning.
He pulled his ring from his coat pocket and created a portal, then took her hand and they both stepped through.
When they stepped out the other side, they stood in a clearing, in the middle of a green jungle. Tracer looked around, fascinated.
"This is where I grew up. My playroom."
"A race through the jungle? Cool."
"From here, to the ruins of my temple, in fairness I'll warn you, there's a river along the way. But you can swim through it without hesitation."
"I'm ready," said Tracer resolutely.
"3, 2, 1... GO!"
They ran down a narrow path through the green rainforest. Tracer was barely 10 yards ahead when suddenly a huge tree blocked her path. Startled, she stopped. Jaguar ran past her, leapt onto the tree, climbed up like a cat and jumped onto the next tree.
Tracer ran around the tree, chasing him as he jumped from tree to tree. When a river cut them off. Jaguar jumped from a branch, crossed the river and landed on the other bank. Tracer tried to follow him, but the branch broke and she landed in the water. Jaguar turned to her and grinned.
"Welcome to the jungle, my love!" he shouted at her.
"I hate you."
"I love you too.....I win." He laughed and ran further into the forest.
Tracer swam to shore and kept running. When she arrived at the ruins, he sat on the stone steps and smiled down at her.
"OK. You win. So this is where you grew up? You really had an intense childhood. I mean, I walked through here for five minutes and I'm wet, dirty and exhausted."
"And you're still the most beautiful woman in the whole jungle."
She playfully punched him in the side.
"Me and later Tomala have had all kinds of adventures here."
"I've been meaning to ask you that. How did you meet Tomala, anyway?"
"That's a good story, but I'll tell you when we get back to headquarters."
He created another portal and the next moment the two of them were back in their room, in Overwatch HQ. They sat down on the couch and Jaguar began to narrate.
Next chapter: Blood brotherhood.
Captain Jaguar Chronicles
AdventureOneshots about Jaguar's past. Overwatch belongs to Blizzard