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"W-who are you?"

As soon as this question was asked, Taeyong didn't even realize that he was dragged behind the bar, away from all the noise. It happened all in a heartbeat, not sure how others inside the bar didn't notice the sudden disappearance of the omega.

Taeyong was petrified, not being able to breathe properly nor wanting to open his eyes that were shut tightly. He could tell that the stranger was standing a few inches away from his face, because the smell of alcohol was in his nostrils, intoxicating him.

The omega flinched when he heard a dark chuckle reverberating from the man's mouth. "Why aren't you staring into my eyes, pretty boy? Are you scared?" He asked, leaning towards the omega's neck, pressing his nose to the flesh and taking a deep breath.

"Damn, you smell so fucking good." The man whispered into Taeyong's ear, sending an unpleasant shiver down his spine.

"L-leave me alone!" Taeyong whined in fear, finally allowing himself to stare at the hideous man before him. And when he saw his facial expression, his lust-filled eyes checking him out with an alarming smirk, it made the omega's heart beat faster than usual.

"Leave you alone? Baby, we haven't even started the fun yet.. Are you that impatient?" The man sniggered and wrapped his strong arms around the fragile boy's waist, holding him so tight that he couldn't move a muscle.

Taeyong couldn't scream nor move, and it was even worse because of the alcohol effect on him. He tried to get out of the man's tight embrace but failed every time, because he was too weak to even protect himself.

"Don't worry, baby.. I'll make sure you spend the best time of your life tonight." The man said, already placing slippery kisses on the omega's pale neck, making Taeyong cry in displeasure and horror.

"S-stop, I said stop it!" Taeyong screamed for help as he used his entire strength to push off the man, only to be surprised with a hand reaching his cheek.

"You're really an annoying b—"

Before the man even got the chance to hurt Taeyong, a voice was heard from behind him.

"He said stop, didn't he asshole?!" The stranger yelled angrily at the man who was harassing and assaulting the aghast omega.

"Who the hell are you, and how dare you invade our privacy you piece of sh—"

"I can tell the poor guy doesn't want you around him, so leave him the heck alone or I'll call the security to come at you!"

The man faked looking scared and let out a scoff at the other male's statement. "You think that would scare me off? If you seem to be that interested, why don't you join us?"

The stranger rolled his eyes and poked his tongue into the corner of his cheek, showing an annoyed smirk. "Overweening bastard." He mumbled to himself before approaching the man and welcoming him with a powerful punch in the face.

The man was now lying on the ground, blood trickling from his nostrils. Before he even got the chance to fight back, the stranger sank his fingers into the thick mass of the man's hair, his fingers curling into a fist, crushing strands in his palm. "Got a sweet taste of my punch? Want to receive a better one? This was just a warmup, by the way." The stranger said with a provoking whistle that rumbled beneath his lips.

❝BARED TO YOU❞ ─ jaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now