Chapter 13

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Hero license part 2


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"Ahh Aizawa, I didn't know Okami was in your class, you must be happy you caught him!" Miss Joke said to Aizawa who didn't answer. "He's too caught up in the past, he still needs to learn."

The break is done and the buildings they used got bombed to use for rescue training, "Bakugo." "Huh?" "Did you see Shishikura--the guy whose eyes look like slits?" "Yeah, I knocked him out."

Okami looked in that direction and saw Inasa, Inasa waved at Okami with a nod in return, "I would like to build a good relationship with U.A." Y/n looked at the hairy man and continued biting his second popsicle.

Inasa and his friends walked away, but he stopped and talked to Todoroki. "Okami! I hope I'll get to see you soon!" Inasa waves, and Okami nods and gives a small smile.

Todoroki came up to Okami, "Okami, what is your relationship with him?" He asked, "I just met him today, he doesn't like your father that's one thing." "My father is a bad man but do you know the reason?" I looked at Inasa who was talking to his friends and back and Todoroki. "I don't want to be in the middle of your conflict, bye-bye" Okami said and left Todoroki deadpan.

The bell rings, alerting everyone, "Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is according to all areas of [random city name] Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured." The building we were in starting to open. "Due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed! Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue effort. Save as many lives as you can."

__Y/n POV__

Turning into a wolf I followed everyone, Midoriya stopped hearing a kid cry, the child started complaining. "You guys go first I'll be right there!" Midoriya said, caring for the kid. Following them we end up splitting.

I turn back into a human, "Koda, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Mina, You all come with me, well head to the south." I said turning into a leopard, running to the south followed by them.

"There are alot of animals there, Koda can use his quirk!" Mina said. I heard somebody, I growled a bit and went in a different direction knowing Koda will understand me. "O-Okami said there are 3 people coming over there," Koda said with a tiny voice pointing at me.

Everyone follows, the 3 people are inside a cave, trap between rocks. Turning back into a human, "Mina, Ojiro, use your quirk to move and melt the rocks. Tokoyami, take the lady, I'll handle the 2 kids." Turning to a wolf I ran around the place to see if there were more people, finding more i houl. "O-okami said there are 2 more people up there," Koda said while running to my direction.

Turning to a human I asked them both. "Miss, can you still walk?" I asked for a no from them. I lift one of the people to my back. "Hold on okay, I'll bring you to safety." then some kind of earthquake came.

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